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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged noun:

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asanlivía n. Isolation.
asarlu n. Inability.
asithu n. Silence.
Assêría n. Assyria or Syria.
asterru n. Human of Telaian stock.
asúkavéa n. Inequality.
atalu n. Never.
atapa n. Biological father.
atata n. Biological father.
ateleru n. Seedling.
Atetalía n. Childhood, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
atetidzhekwía n. Motherer, the formal designation within the Lilitic jobs system for a woman caring for her own children in the normal way, akin to someone on mandatory maternity leave.
atetíu n. Child.
athelokha n. Conscience; feeling of guilt caused by one's actions or lack thereof.
atkekhtía n. Outbreak (formal).
atko n. Calendar of dates, long-term schedule.
atrúëssina n. Magic; unseen acts.
atsha n. Star.
atshabúve n. Season.
atshadzhu n. Astronomy.
atshafamu n. Reflection of the sun, a star, or the stars, usually on water.
atshalapía n. Small crystals or mineral deposits, usually sedimentary and at the bottom of water, that sparkle.
atshaní lerapolu n. (a) Permanent storm (such as on a gas giant), or (b) irrational hysteria.
atshaplu n. Stardust; nebular gasses.
atshapolu n. Storm.
atsharafa n. Category of ripple-waves which are legible in cymatospicy (acoustic wave divination); through synecdoche, cymatospicy in general.
atshatíta n. Ripple-wave; individual prophecy as revealed by cymatospicy.
atshégía n. Dusk.
atshelíu n. Date and/or index in time.
Atshénova n. Sunday, the first day of the Gregorian week.
atshifu n. Sunshine.
atshisibedu n. Rain.
atshisifiyeru n. Snow.
atshisu n. Cloud.
atshlitru n. Star cluster.
atshogía n. Dawn.
Atshogía'l asa Neptrúekha n. The Dawn of the Ghosts, an annual séance and remembrance ceremony.
atshovu n. Solar day.
Atvôdzhova n. Tuesday, the third day of the Gregorian week.
avena n. The ground.
avento n. Shore; solid ground; the location of a parked vehicle.
avôlu n. Speed.
awonektu n. Ignorance.
Ayíta n. Haiti.
azide n. Voice.
azone n. Obvious fact or detail.
baba n. Biological mother.
Badtvédo n. Barbados.
bahose n. Lens.
bailéa n. Magnetism.
balegekhtu n. Rail.
balílezo n. Magnet or electromagnet.
balilo n. Natural magnet.
balitro n. Governmental ministry; corporate department or division.
balu n. Metal.
bama n. Biological mother.
bamelu n. Someone related by blood who is loved; a generic, intimate word meaning immediate family member (usually parent or child, more rarely sibling).
bapte n. Foam.
barikolaku n. Vampire.
batría n. Bacterium.
batso n. Bubble.
bavekhovíu n. Tail.
bavélesta n. Tail fetishism.
baveñku n. Tail-covering.
baveshí dzhelu n. Metaphor.
bavésténíu n. Tail tissue.
bavharekta n. Flexibility; ability to bend.
bavidha n. Heritage.
bedara n. River.
bediko n. Canal.
Bedlapelía n. Iceland.
bedlapí genthañgru n. Extreme seriousness of a situation.
bedlapía n. Ice.
bedlapíptinu n. Frost; sometimes used also for small hail.
bedzuneitu n. Informal syllogism; statement of a series of facts that flow from one another.
bedzúsu n. Region of highest activity; the thick of something.
bekíu n. Imagined event or notion; unreal thing.
Belgaría n. Bulgaria.
Bénina n. Benin.
berbosilkío n. Forgery.
berekto n. Defect; flaw.
berildtu n. Lie.
beriliku n. False sociability; psychopathy.
beriltetu n. Mythological creature.
berizhoka n. Fear of being lied to.
berízíu n. Slight discomfort from having made a mistake.
berízoka n. Fear of making a mistake or telling a lie.
berízu n. Mistaken person, the minimum possible insult.
bermano n. Bug; error in instructions.
bertopikúé n. To corrupt; to force the (start of) taking bribes; to induce to cheat.
bertopo n. Corruption; bribery; cheating.
beru n. Imagination; fantasy; falsehood.
berúkanína n. Cult of personality built around a liar.
berwidhinu n. Fiction.
berzeyighe n. Falsely balanced thinking; bias.
beta n. Small pond.
betyaëkía n. Objection.
betzo n. Nozzle.
bezemeia n. Source (of a flow).
bíbagota n. Cashew.

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