The following dictionary entries are tagged living:
adísogeneía n. Wind-chaser, a buoyant ray-like glider animal native to Thet.
aléglokwu n. Ksreskézaian species name for the Khúsak, meaning 'warless ones'.
alestyuru n. Hogenem (biological term).
alfeghilera n. Metazoan.
Alfu n. Terran human.
anthrabu n. Biological term for human of Cossipian stock.
anthropa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
anthru n. Human.
asterru n. Human of Telaian stock.
batría n. Bacterium.
beriltetu n. Mythological creature.
bovinë n. Herd of cattle.
bovu n. Cow, ox, bull, beast, bovine.
dhéyippu n. Horned horse; including but not limited to unicorns.
dzherleka n. Red-tree, one of several species of Terran tree adapted to feed on blue light.
eghileru n. Animal.
egrekelu n. Culturally neutral term for a Lilitu.
ekhabra n. Crystalline dendritic plants native to Ksreskézo.
eldu (1) n. Elf, sprite, or long-lived fairfolk; preferred in literary criticism for elves not from JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth setting (see also kwendu).
eldu (2) n. Proponent of non-interventionalist ("ivory tower") diplomacy; isolationist or nationalist who treats other cultures with disdain, especially a Lyrisclensia.
enteté v. To live something, such as one's dreams or a particular lifestyle.
époteté v. To thrive; to live with joy.
êrûku n. Orc.
felipta (2) n. Kitten.
felu n. Cat.
fuñga n. Fungus.
gegloksnu n. Hogenem (Ksreskézaian term/slur).
gínosa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
gripsu n. The mythological griffin.
havíntu n. Small bat-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article khablínta.
hippégripsu n. Hippogriff.
hippu n. Equine; a horse, zebra, mule, donkey, etc.
ighanflazu n. Biological term for Pesene.
kanu n. Dog.
kedotru n. Any mythological creature with a petrifying gaze.
kelínta n. Dragon.
khazadu n. Dwarf.
klere n. Germ, microbe, virus.
klizlere n. Microbe.
koplazu n. Wild rock spider from Makta.
kotúzu n. Quadruped; any animal with four legs.
Ksreskézinivíu n. Ksreskézaian citizen, product, or possession.
kúdeku n. Hobbit.
kúnu n. Rabbit.
kwendu (1) n. Tolkienian elf; see also eldu.
kwendu (2) n. Elf.
lafu n. Health; constitution.
laplitu n. Domesticated rock spider from Makta.
lekhileru n. Immobile organism.
lentúzu n. Human (biological term).
lentúzurivíu n. Bipedal animal.
lethlera n. Glow-moss.
Lilitu n. Lilitu.
lútwiklinta n. Extremophile.
maklere n. Endosymbiont, parasitic microbe, or commensal microbe.
mefístu n. Parent.
mithéyu n. Unicorn.
moklere n. Detritivorous microbe.
músu n. Mouse.
nasu n. Tolkienian human, very specifically only used to refer to the humans of Middle-earth.
plitu n. Domesticated pet.
psittaku n. Parrot.
regenu n. Thin, hardy plant native to Thessia Major which grows near most bodies of water.
reghe n. Grass or reed plants, especially those native to Ksreskézo.
sampu n. Safety; security.
sedtolere n. Land-dwelling organism.
sedtoppu n. Horse.
serpu n. Snake; serpent; Hogenem.
shikadu n. Small crab-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article ksiklada.
shúmithéyu n. Unicorn of the wind; alicorn.
shúthavíu n. Bird.
shúthippu n. Winged horse; a Pegasid or aliquine.
sithstíu n. Tongue.
stu n. Person.
telau n. Telaian human.
tennu n. Machine; organism.
teté v. To live, to experience (somewhat archaic).
tetepé v. To begin living.
tetripte n. Living island, any one of several giant floating creatures native to Thet which have evolved to support an ecosystem.
tetu n. Organism; living thing.
tetúsha n. One's birth.
tetwidhu n. Biography.
Thebedu n. Physaru.
traklere n. Terran microbe.
trat-lera n. Plant.
trat-leru n. Plant (of Terran biochemistry).
trat-skaoka n. Arthropod.
trat-tigva n. Higher animal; chordate.
triptelere n. Island-dwelling organism.
tshentéa n. Archaean.
tsoigloksna n. Tletketti (biological term and Ksreskézaian slur).
vézlu n. Weasel.
vira n. Virus.
zelekhabra n. Crystal-tree, a Ksreskézaian autotrophic organism resembling a bush of lightning-bolt-shaped black-quartz branches.
zelnagendeshu n. Biological term for human of Rotomem stock; specifically meaning 'those who were captured'.
zeltetíré v. To be alive; to live presently (to have life.)
zelteturí a. Alive.
zemighilera n. Protist.
zethepa n. Forest, wilderness.
zetiyu n. Small armadillo-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article fzeltigva.
aléglokwu n. Ksreskézaian species name for the Khúsak, meaning 'warless ones'.
alestyuru n. Hogenem (biological term).
alfeghilera n. Metazoan.
Alfu n. Terran human.
anthrabu n. Biological term for human of Cossipian stock.
anthropa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
anthru n. Human.
asterru n. Human of Telaian stock.
batría n. Bacterium.
beriltetu n. Mythological creature.
bovinë n. Herd of cattle.
bovu n. Cow, ox, bull, beast, bovine.
dhéyippu n. Horned horse; including but not limited to unicorns.
dzherleka n. Red-tree, one of several species of Terran tree adapted to feed on blue light.
eghileru n. Animal.
egrekelu n. Culturally neutral term for a Lilitu.
ekhabra n. Crystalline dendritic plants native to Ksreskézo.
eldu (1) n. Elf, sprite, or long-lived fairfolk; preferred in literary criticism for elves not from JRR Tolkien's Middle-earth setting (see also kwendu).
eldu (2) n. Proponent of non-interventionalist ("ivory tower") diplomacy; isolationist or nationalist who treats other cultures with disdain, especially a Lyrisclensia.
enteté v. To live something, such as one's dreams or a particular lifestyle.
époteté v. To thrive; to live with joy.
êrûku n. Orc.
felipta (2) n. Kitten.
felu n. Cat.
fuñga n. Fungus.
gegloksnu n. Hogenem (Ksreskézaian term/slur).
gínosa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
gripsu n. The mythological griffin.
havíntu n. Small bat-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article khablínta.
hippégripsu n. Hippogriff.
hippu n. Equine; a horse, zebra, mule, donkey, etc.
ighanflazu n. Biological term for Pesene.
kanu n. Dog.
kedotru n. Any mythological creature with a petrifying gaze.
kelínta n. Dragon.
khazadu n. Dwarf.
klere n. Germ, microbe, virus.
klizlere n. Microbe.
koplazu n. Wild rock spider from Makta.
kotúzu n. Quadruped; any animal with four legs.
Ksreskézinivíu n. Ksreskézaian citizen, product, or possession.
kúdeku n. Hobbit.
kúnu n. Rabbit.
kwendu (1) n. Tolkienian elf; see also eldu.
kwendu (2) n. Elf.
lafu n. Health; constitution.
laplitu n. Domesticated rock spider from Makta.
lekhileru n. Immobile organism.
lentúzu n. Human (biological term).
lentúzurivíu n. Bipedal animal.
lethlera n. Glow-moss.
Lilitu n. Lilitu.
lútwiklinta n. Extremophile.
maklere n. Endosymbiont, parasitic microbe, or commensal microbe.
mefístu n. Parent.
mithéyu n. Unicorn.
moklere n. Detritivorous microbe.
músu n. Mouse.
nasu n. Tolkienian human, very specifically only used to refer to the humans of Middle-earth.
plitu n. Domesticated pet.
psittaku n. Parrot.
regenu n. Thin, hardy plant native to Thessia Major which grows near most bodies of water.
reghe n. Grass or reed plants, especially those native to Ksreskézo.
sampu n. Safety; security.
sedtolere n. Land-dwelling organism.
sedtoppu n. Horse.
serpu n. Snake; serpent; Hogenem.
shikadu n. Small crab-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article ksiklada.
shúmithéyu n. Unicorn of the wind; alicorn.
shúthavíu n. Bird.
shúthippu n. Winged horse; a Pegasid or aliquine.
sithstíu n. Tongue.
stu n. Person.
telau n. Telaian human.
tennu n. Machine; organism.
teté v. To live, to experience (somewhat archaic).
tetepé v. To begin living.
tetripte n. Living island, any one of several giant floating creatures native to Thet which have evolved to support an ecosystem.
tetu n. Organism; living thing.
tetúsha n. One's birth.
tetwidhu n. Biography.
Thebedu n. Physaru.
traklere n. Terran microbe.
trat-lera n. Plant.
trat-leru n. Plant (of Terran biochemistry).
trat-skaoka n. Arthropod.
trat-tigva n. Higher animal; chordate.
triptelere n. Island-dwelling organism.
tshentéa n. Archaean.
tsoigloksna n. Tletketti (biological term and Ksreskézaian slur).
vézlu n. Weasel.
vira n. Virus.
zelekhabra n. Crystal-tree, a Ksreskézaian autotrophic organism resembling a bush of lightning-bolt-shaped black-quartz branches.
zelnagendeshu n. Biological term for human of Rotomem stock; specifically meaning 'those who were captured'.
zeltetíré v. To be alive; to live presently (to have life.)
zelteturí a. Alive.
zemighilera n. Protist.
zethepa n. Forest, wilderness.
zetiyu n. Small armadillo-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article fzeltigva.