The following dictionary entries are tagged religion:
akanteka n. Impurity.
aléfúa n. Bad omen foretelling an absolute defeat, especially due to inadequate communication; the most severe of bad omens.
alépta n. Demon; foul beast.
Alestéa n. The goddess of destruction.
Alestéïko n. Alestéanism, the state cult of Wanisin; see Alestéa.
alestillindé v. To commit blasphemy.
alestillindezríu n. Blasphemer.
alestúa n. Bad omen foretelling anger or hatred.
alíalíegezríu n. Someone who opposes a moderate position.
alíkelfasekídu n. Someone who opposes deregulation or relaxing rules.
Alísogía'l Trotúzasa n. Annual ceremony honouring Rostyaekía.
Améa n. The goddess of love.
asa Atshaflai faltúbé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To give music from the stars; to recite a prophecy to a supplicant.
asa Atshaklai tset lai dze trúis dzafé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To ask of the stars what they see; to make a cymatospicy consultation.
atrúëssina n. Magic; unseen acts.
atsharafa n. Category of ripple-waves which are legible in cymatospicy (acoustic wave divination); through synecdoche, cymatospicy in general.
–atshasúa suf. Suffix added to nouns and adjectives to indicate an omen from the stars via cymatospicy.
atshatíta n. Ripple-wave; individual prophecy as revealed by cymatospicy.
Atshogía'l asa Neptrúekha n. The Dawn of the Ghosts, an annual séance and remembrance ceremony.
berúkanína n. Cult of personality built around a liar.
bístilitro n. High-control group; (pejoratively) cult.
bístogalsu n. Priestess tasked with waking sleepwalkers.
bístou n. Controlling dream; supposed as a cause of sleepwalking or other parasomniac behaviour.
boseñku n. Ornamental robe.
Darika n. Sarthían belief system supposing that the Stillai compose Ossidha by crafting midhai, not by directly manipulating Etharine; so-named for the threads (darei) that connect a thela to a Stilla's true self in Lerossa.
dégiwa sithé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To listen with a horn; to witness a cymatospicy divination.
Dútéa n. The goddess of misery.
dzafé v. To ask.
dzafekhtínu n. A set phrase used during praying; a rite.
dzafekhtíu n. The words spoken during a prayer.
dzafessa n. Miracle; consequences of prayer.
efka– pre. Out of a desire to abide by virtue.
eftessomaté v. To hold an assembly or ceremony for consultation or prayer.
ekashya adv. Acting from purest intentions.
ekhtekíu n. Statue.
ékka n. Episode of mania or spiritual possession; see ékúlézoka.
ekkíloé v. To evoke.
ekshúí a. Holy.
ékúlézoka n. Episode of mania or spiritual possession by the stasrintshéa, especially in Venika jargon.
ékúzo n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
ékúzría n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
éponikidu n. Anchorite, especially a devotee of Neptarléa, Rostyaekía, or Moiléa; see article on asceticism among the Lilitai.
ésarakhía n. Ceremony, especially a religious one.
éstillamata n. Personal relationship with a goddess.
etanshúa n. All inhaled air.
étava n. Any metaphysical construct believed to emanate history; see stía, shúthima, fopesso, and ikesso, and also Lilitic Fate for a more general treatise on the subject.
étavine n. Hypothetical sequence of events proposed as an explanation or plan, or the means through which divine forces indirectly shape the world.
Etharine n. Web of interlinked causal chains.
faltau déganis repé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To find music of a horn; to blow a horn to perform cymatospicy divination.
Feplemika n. Psychology based on the assumption that Sarthían theology reflects universal truths about the mind.
feplemikidu n. Absolutist.
fertu n. Art.
fíyedaza n. Mendicant; see Lilitu Mendicants.
fíyedazé v. To beg (for money).
flévebé v. To establish an organisation, set of rules, or tradition.
fopaza n. The natural state, opposing Iko (Venika jargon.)
fopesso n. Emanation of fopaza; compare shúthima.
gembera il asa Atshai súbé v. (Zeyetaní phrase)
gendatshúa n. Bad omen specific to cymatospicy in which the stars refuse to provide guidance, usually because of being disfavoured by the stars.
gendikí (2) n. Errantly secular; of lapsed faith.
ghalé v. (of a stasrintshéa) To tinge or taint [with an emotion].
glinshúi a. Sacred.
glostahé v. To march; to parade.
glosté v. To march; to parade; to escort (transitive).
grafúé v. To read a pattern of waves, usually to divine in cymatospicy.
hakreselé v. To deserve in reward for blood purity.
hakresso n. Inherent worth by religious value of blood.
haponekhto n. Dirtying event; scandal.
íanidzhé v. To dedicate.
íanidzhedí a. Dedicated.
íanidzhekía n. Offering; declaration of a memorial or dedication.
íanidzhekte n. Dedicatedness; dedication.
Ighokhéa n. The goddess of obsession.
ikanína n. Cult or group built around an ideology.
ikesso n. Consequence of Iko, a variety of étava overlapping with the notion of a stía.
ikidu n. Disciple, adherent.
Iko n. Civilization, especially as a means to achieving Saäzede; contrast fopaza and Natoïko.
iksaré v. To put into practice habitually (to be a practitioner).
illanína n. Cult or group built around an idea.
illitríu n. Subtopic, subdiscipline or sub-field; research area.
Ithovíha n. The goddess of intellectualism.
Ítossa n. The eyes of the universe or sky; the perspective of the greater divine; absolute truth; objectivity.
itreza n. Person who believes in Feplemika or Noplemika; an agnostic or atheist.
kañka n. Ascetic; one who follows kantíomaniko.
kantikidu n. Purist.
kantíomaniko n. Asceticism; see article on asceticism among the Lilitai.
kantúa n. Good omen foretelling trouble-free performance or projects.
kedokha n. Demon; evil emotion.
kedzhúthíma n. Epidemic; bad wind.
Kelossa n. The physical (wider) world, as distinct from the spiritual world or introspection.
kezdúshkí a. Doomed; brought into life for misery.
Khabla n. Fog separating the Lilitai from perceiving divine beings as the Ksreskézai did; key facet of Venika.
khablamekhal thebé v. To bring forth from the fog; emanation of the stasrintshéa.
khotshentinivíu n. Fossil; relic.
kíloé v. To invoke.
kilosikhu … ethé v. To say the name of [with genitive]; to invoke.
koistilla n. Temple.
kúgrafa n. Standing wave; legible pattern of caustic distortions in water.
kúgrudzha n. Knowledge of interpretation in cymatospicy.
Kúlézoka n. Emotional agitation of Ossa; Venika jargon to describe contamination of the Etharine by the stasrintshéai and impediment of Saäzede.
aléfúa n. Bad omen foretelling an absolute defeat, especially due to inadequate communication; the most severe of bad omens.
alépta n. Demon; foul beast.
Alestéa n. The goddess of destruction.
Alestéïko n. Alestéanism, the state cult of Wanisin; see Alestéa.
alestillindé v. To commit blasphemy.
alestillindezríu n. Blasphemer.
alestúa n. Bad omen foretelling anger or hatred.
alíalíegezríu n. Someone who opposes a moderate position.
alíkelfasekídu n. Someone who opposes deregulation or relaxing rules.
Alísogía'l Trotúzasa n. Annual ceremony honouring Rostyaekía.
Améa n. The goddess of love.
asa Atshaflai faltúbé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To give music from the stars; to recite a prophecy to a supplicant.
asa Atshaklai tset lai dze trúis dzafé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To ask of the stars what they see; to make a cymatospicy consultation.
atrúëssina n. Magic; unseen acts.
atsharafa n. Category of ripple-waves which are legible in cymatospicy (acoustic wave divination); through synecdoche, cymatospicy in general.
–atshasúa suf. Suffix added to nouns and adjectives to indicate an omen from the stars via cymatospicy.
atshatíta n. Ripple-wave; individual prophecy as revealed by cymatospicy.
Atshogía'l asa Neptrúekha n. The Dawn of the Ghosts, an annual séance and remembrance ceremony.
berúkanína n. Cult of personality built around a liar.
bístilitro n. High-control group; (pejoratively) cult.
bístogalsu n. Priestess tasked with waking sleepwalkers.
bístou n. Controlling dream; supposed as a cause of sleepwalking or other parasomniac behaviour.
boseñku n. Ornamental robe.
Darika n. Sarthían belief system supposing that the Stillai compose Ossidha by crafting midhai, not by directly manipulating Etharine; so-named for the threads (darei) that connect a thela to a Stilla's true self in Lerossa.
dégiwa sithé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To listen with a horn; to witness a cymatospicy divination.
Dútéa n. The goddess of misery.
dzafé v. To ask.
dzafekhtínu n. A set phrase used during praying; a rite.
dzafekhtíu n. The words spoken during a prayer.
dzafessa n. Miracle; consequences of prayer.
efka– pre. Out of a desire to abide by virtue.
eftessomaté v. To hold an assembly or ceremony for consultation or prayer.
ekashya adv. Acting from purest intentions.
ekhtekíu n. Statue.
ékka n. Episode of mania or spiritual possession; see ékúlézoka.
ekkíloé v. To evoke.
ekshúí a. Holy.
ékúlézoka n. Episode of mania or spiritual possession by the stasrintshéa, especially in Venika jargon.
ékúzo n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
ékúzría n. One who causes Kúlézoka; a heretic, barbarian, troublemaker, fool, etc.
éponikidu n. Anchorite, especially a devotee of Neptarléa, Rostyaekía, or Moiléa; see article on asceticism among the Lilitai.
ésarakhía n. Ceremony, especially a religious one.
éstillamata n. Personal relationship with a goddess.
etanshúa n. All inhaled air.
étava n. Any metaphysical construct believed to emanate history; see stía, shúthima, fopesso, and ikesso, and also Lilitic Fate for a more general treatise on the subject.
étavine n. Hypothetical sequence of events proposed as an explanation or plan, or the means through which divine forces indirectly shape the world.
Etharine n. Web of interlinked causal chains.
faltau déganis repé v. (Zeyetaní phrase) To find music of a horn; to blow a horn to perform cymatospicy divination.
Feplemika n. Psychology based on the assumption that Sarthían theology reflects universal truths about the mind.
feplemikidu n. Absolutist.
fertu n. Art.
fíyedaza n. Mendicant; see Lilitu Mendicants.
fíyedazé v. To beg (for money).
flévebé v. To establish an organisation, set of rules, or tradition.
fopaza n. The natural state, opposing Iko (Venika jargon.)
fopesso n. Emanation of fopaza; compare shúthima.
gembera il asa Atshai súbé v. (Zeyetaní phrase)
gendatshúa n. Bad omen specific to cymatospicy in which the stars refuse to provide guidance, usually because of being disfavoured by the stars.
gendikí (2) n. Errantly secular; of lapsed faith.
ghalé v. (of a stasrintshéa) To tinge or taint [with an emotion].
glinshúi a. Sacred.
glostahé v. To march; to parade.
glosté v. To march; to parade; to escort (transitive).
grafúé v. To read a pattern of waves, usually to divine in cymatospicy.
hakreselé v. To deserve in reward for blood purity.
hakresso n. Inherent worth by religious value of blood.
haponekhto n. Dirtying event; scandal.
íanidzhé v. To dedicate.
íanidzhedí a. Dedicated.
íanidzhekía n. Offering; declaration of a memorial or dedication.
íanidzhekte n. Dedicatedness; dedication.
Ighokhéa n. The goddess of obsession.
ikanína n. Cult or group built around an ideology.
ikesso n. Consequence of Iko, a variety of étava overlapping with the notion of a stía.
ikidu n. Disciple, adherent.
Iko n. Civilization, especially as a means to achieving Saäzede; contrast fopaza and Natoïko.
iksaré v. To put into practice habitually (to be a practitioner).
illanína n. Cult or group built around an idea.
illitríu n. Subtopic, subdiscipline or sub-field; research area.
Ithovíha n. The goddess of intellectualism.
Ítossa n. The eyes of the universe or sky; the perspective of the greater divine; absolute truth; objectivity.
itreza n. Person who believes in Feplemika or Noplemika; an agnostic or atheist.
kañka n. Ascetic; one who follows kantíomaniko.
kantikidu n. Purist.
kantíomaniko n. Asceticism; see article on asceticism among the Lilitai.
kantúa n. Good omen foretelling trouble-free performance or projects.
kedokha n. Demon; evil emotion.
kedzhúthíma n. Epidemic; bad wind.
Kelossa n. The physical (wider) world, as distinct from the spiritual world or introspection.
kezdúshkí a. Doomed; brought into life for misery.
Khabla n. Fog separating the Lilitai from perceiving divine beings as the Ksreskézai did; key facet of Venika.
khablamekhal thebé v. To bring forth from the fog; emanation of the stasrintshéa.
khotshentinivíu n. Fossil; relic.
kíloé v. To invoke.
kilosikhu … ethé v. To say the name of [with genitive]; to invoke.
koistilla n. Temple.
kúgrafa n. Standing wave; legible pattern of caustic distortions in water.
kúgrudzha n. Knowledge of interpretation in cymatospicy.
Kúlézoka n. Emotional agitation of Ossa; Venika jargon to describe contamination of the Etharine by the stasrintshéai and impediment of Saäzede.