The following dictionary entries are tagged biology:
adikade n. Mucus.
adísogeneía n. Wind-chaser, a buoyant ray-like glider animal native to Thet.
akoneda n. Menstrual blood.
alégharí a. Not sentient; incapable of thought (archaic; see aleghurí).
aleghurí a. Not sentient; incapable of thought.
aléglokwu n. Ksreskézaian species name for the Khúsak, meaning 'warless ones'.
alemúrolebí a. Harmless.
alenzede n. Sweat.
alespodta n. Almond.
alestyuru n. Hogenem (biological term).
alfeghilera n. Metazoan.
Alfu n. Terran human.
alipté v. To mature; to grow serious.
altigenara n. Sense (of smell, hearing, etc).
ansepa n. Milk; without qualification, human breast-milk.
anthrabu n. Biological term for human of Cossipian stock.
anthropa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
anthru n. Human.
apefída n. Instinct.
asterru n. Human of Telaian stock.
ateleru n. Seedling.
atshabúve n. Season.
batría n. Bacterium.
bavésténíu n. Tail tissue.
bíbagota n. Cashew.
bosekhrona n. Apple.
búlala n. Vanilla.
dekansepa n. Colostrum.
dezu n. Neck (archaic).
dhéyippu n. Horned horse; including but not limited to unicorns.
dútedu n. Tears; lacrimal fluid.
dzafekwía mefítsudzhis n. Student of atomology, a combined field covering particle physics, chemistry, and molecular biology; natural philosopher.
dzherleka n. Red-tree, one of several species of Terran tree adapted to feed on blue light.
dzherona n. Cherry.
dzhertúzu n. Rhubarb.
dzhethotona n. Grape.
dzhozlíu n. Protein.
egrekelu n. Culturally neutral term for a Lilitu.
Ekalfídidtina n. Human civilization; humanity; the human race.
ekhabra n. Crystalline dendritic plants native to Ksreskézo.
ekhtekwía mallerísanis n. Genetic engineer.
ekhteshí terbekhtíu n. Artificial fertilization.
ektetí a. Biotic; organic; originating in a living organism.
elnapu n. Substrate.
énompéta n. Chickpea.
énotona n. Olive.
eplínu n. Oil or fat.
epogalona n. Corncob.
epogodtona n. Nut.
eponelísu n. Lipid.
Épotelía n. The season of Summer or the middle rainy season, when plants thrive.
féfemnu n. Onion.
fembúku n. Cancer; leukaemia; radiation poisoning.
femnu n. Leaf.
fémotona n. Melon.
fentetu n. Tumour.
fíretsa n. Rice grain.
flovétona n. Tomato.
fogedía n. Prematurely-born child.
fuñga n. Fungus.
galmotona n. Squash.
galotúzu n. Potato.
geglokema n. Predator.
geglokifora n. Prey.
gegloksnu n. Hogenem (Ksreskézaian term/slur).
gemúredí a. Uninjured; healthy.
geristona n. Orange.
germotona n. Pumpkin.
gérotúzu n. Carrot.
gílonedu n. Stomach acid.
gínosa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
glatekí a. Marine; aquatic.
glopsu n. Viscera.
gotilda n. Female.
gotona n. Fruit.
haithalpíu n. Earwax.
hapla n. Soil.
havíntu n. Small bat-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article khablínta.
hippégripsu n. Hippogriff.
hippu n. Equine; a horse, zebra, mule, donkey, etc.
ibedu n. Water.
ighanflazu n. Biological term for Pesene.
ighurí a. Sentient.
illerísu n. Nucleic acid.
kedodtona n. Chestnut.
kedosténíu n. Cartilage.
kevlegu n. Wood.
kevleru n. Vascular plant, especially tree.
khrimu n. Hair fibre.
kiptúzu n. Root vegetable.
klegokhemu n. Chitin; exoskeletal bone.
klegu n. Bone.
klere n. Germ, microbe, virus.
klimpéta n. Pea.
klinotona n. Cucumber.
klintúzu n. Celery.
klizlere n. Microbe.
koplazu n. Wild rock spider from Makta.
kotona n. Peanut.
kotúzu n. Quadruped; any animal with four legs.
adísogeneía n. Wind-chaser, a buoyant ray-like glider animal native to Thet.
akoneda n. Menstrual blood.
alégharí a. Not sentient; incapable of thought (archaic; see aleghurí).
aleghurí a. Not sentient; incapable of thought.
aléglokwu n. Ksreskézaian species name for the Khúsak, meaning 'warless ones'.
alemúrolebí a. Harmless.
alenzede n. Sweat.
alespodta n. Almond.
alestyuru n. Hogenem (biological term).
alfeghilera n. Metazoan.
Alfu n. Terran human.
alipté v. To mature; to grow serious.
altigenara n. Sense (of smell, hearing, etc).
ansepa n. Milk; without qualification, human breast-milk.
anthrabu n. Biological term for human of Cossipian stock.
anthropa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
anthru n. Human.
apefída n. Instinct.
asterru n. Human of Telaian stock.
ateleru n. Seedling.
atshabúve n. Season.
batría n. Bacterium.
bavésténíu n. Tail tissue.
bíbagota n. Cashew.
bosekhrona n. Apple.
búlala n. Vanilla.
dekansepa n. Colostrum.
dezu n. Neck (archaic).
dhéyippu n. Horned horse; including but not limited to unicorns.
dútedu n. Tears; lacrimal fluid.
dzafekwía mefítsudzhis n. Student of atomology, a combined field covering particle physics, chemistry, and molecular biology; natural philosopher.
dzherleka n. Red-tree, one of several species of Terran tree adapted to feed on blue light.
dzherona n. Cherry.
dzhertúzu n. Rhubarb.
dzhethotona n. Grape.
dzhozlíu n. Protein.
egrekelu n. Culturally neutral term for a Lilitu.
Ekalfídidtina n. Human civilization; humanity; the human race.
ekhabra n. Crystalline dendritic plants native to Ksreskézo.
ekhtekwía mallerísanis n. Genetic engineer.
ekhteshí terbekhtíu n. Artificial fertilization.
ektetí a. Biotic; organic; originating in a living organism.
elnapu n. Substrate.
énompéta n. Chickpea.
énotona n. Olive.
eplínu n. Oil or fat.
epogalona n. Corncob.
epogodtona n. Nut.
eponelísu n. Lipid.
Épotelía n. The season of Summer or the middle rainy season, when plants thrive.
féfemnu n. Onion.
fembúku n. Cancer; leukaemia; radiation poisoning.
femnu n. Leaf.
fémotona n. Melon.
fentetu n. Tumour.
fíretsa n. Rice grain.
flovétona n. Tomato.
fogedía n. Prematurely-born child.
fuñga n. Fungus.
galmotona n. Squash.
galotúzu n. Potato.
geglokema n. Predator.
geglokifora n. Prey.
gegloksnu n. Hogenem (Ksreskézaian term/slur).
gemúredí a. Uninjured; healthy.
geristona n. Orange.
germotona n. Pumpkin.
gérotúzu n. Carrot.
gílonedu n. Stomach acid.
gínosa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
glatekí a. Marine; aquatic.
glopsu n. Viscera.
gotilda n. Female.
gotona n. Fruit.
haithalpíu n. Earwax.
hapla n. Soil.
havíntu n. Small bat-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article khablínta.
hippégripsu n. Hippogriff.
hippu n. Equine; a horse, zebra, mule, donkey, etc.
ibedu n. Water.
ighanflazu n. Biological term for Pesene.
ighurí a. Sentient.
illerísu n. Nucleic acid.
kedodtona n. Chestnut.
kedosténíu n. Cartilage.
kevlegu n. Wood.
kevleru n. Vascular plant, especially tree.
khrimu n. Hair fibre.
kiptúzu n. Root vegetable.
klegokhemu n. Chitin; exoskeletal bone.
klegu n. Bone.
klere n. Germ, microbe, virus.
klimpéta n. Pea.
klinotona n. Cucumber.
klintúzu n. Celery.
klizlere n. Microbe.
koplazu n. Wild rock spider from Makta.
kotona n. Peanut.
kotúzu n. Quadruped; any animal with four legs.