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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged biology:

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kyetahé v. To mutate; to change spontaneously over time as a result of influences.
lafu n. Health; constitution.
laiëstekí a. Hale; well-spoken; lucid; healthy.
laplitu n. Domesticated rock spider from Makta.
lekhileru n. Immobile organism.
lekhtúzu n. Stalk/stem.
lemní a. Indigenous.
lentúzu n. Human (biological term).
lentúzurivíu n. Bipedal animal.
lerandu n. Trunk.
lesé v. To drink.
lestedu n. Vaginal lubrication.
lethlera n. Glow-moss.
levímu n. Vestigial limb.
Lilitasa lí terbekhtíu n. Lilitic artificial fertilization (Lilitic parthenogenesis).
Lilitu n. Lilitu.
lintrúoní loëkwía n. Microscopist.
litona n. Berry.
lúdenota n. Black bean.
lútwiklinta n. Extremophile.
maklere n. Endosymbiont, parasitic microbe, or commensal microbe.
mallerísaní bavekwía n. Genetic engineer or gene therapist.
mallerísu n. Chromosome.
metzlísu n. Energy-storing molecule; carbohydrate or lipid.
metzyurí a. Sugary.
mithéyu n. Unicorn.
moigru n. Muscle.
moileka n. Adaptation to a problem, including to an evolutionary obstacle.
mokabelíu n. Withered flower.
mokafemnu n. Withered leaf.
mokathelesha n. Stillborn infant, personal failure.
mokazúsa n. Infertile uterus.
moklere n. Detritivorous microbe.
múbalu n. Rusted iron; such as extracted from blood.
múbé v. To bleed or to give blood.
múrínedu n. Poison.
múrolebí a. Harmful.
murukepé v. To infect.
murukeshé v. To be diseased.
múrúku n. Disease.
nazaré v. To remove a part, especially of a plant; to pluck a fruit.
nazgarlé v. To pluck a fruit, root a carrot, or otherwise take a plant or part of a plant.
ofemnu n. Lettuce.
ohktete lí terbekhtíu n. Ksreskézaian artificial insemination.
oletekina n. Litter (of children); cohort.
olredu n. Saliva.
ôstorí a. Fit; well-exercised; healthy.
otetagota n. Walnut.
poaladzhu n. The study and practice of medicine.
raiponota n. Strawberry.
regembu n. Wheat.
reghe n. Grass or reed plants, especially those native to Ksreskézo.
repéta n. Green bean.
resé v. To sleep.
Reselía n. The season of Winter or the dry season, when plants slumber.
riñkedu n. Urine.
riñksoinu n. Feces.
saitshéa n. Season.
sarakhemu n. Skin.
sedtolere n. Land-dwelling organism.
sedtoppu n. Horse.
seté v. To eat.
seteku n. Taste; flavour; does not imply any particular quality.
shikadu n. Small crab-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article ksiklada.
shúkhrimu n. Feather.
shúmithéyu n. Unicorn of the wind; alicorn.
shústéníu n. Wing tissue.
shúthembu n. Rye.
shúthippu n. Winged horse; a Pegasid or aliquine.
sídegu n. Horn-bone; ivory.
sithstíu n. Tongue.
sitúzu n. Stalk vegetable.
sofé v. To have sex with; to fuck.
soféu n. Intimate sexual interaction.
steklitshu n. Bodily organ.
steku n. Body.
sténíu n. Flesh.
stitré v. To populate.
stíu n. Writing tool; feather; human hair.
stu n. Person.
talebímu n. Branch.
tebildo n. Male.
tebobo n. Semen.
tedekighé v. To evolve an adaptation.
tedzhofé v. To speciate; to differentiate into multiple species.
tekaprou n. Homologue.
telau n. Telaian human.
tennu n. Machine; organism.
tenti– pre. Involving genes or genetics.
tentibite n. Virion; virus.
tentilleru n. Gene.
tentillí a. Genetic.
terbelíu n. Flower.
tetadzhu n. Biology; the life sciences.
tethahé v. To evolve.
tetildtu n. Cell.
tetivitru n. Biological taxon.
tetivu n. Species.
tetnagendé v. To adapt, either a specific feature or under a set of circumstances.
tetní a. Biological; of a species or of biological origin.

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