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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged causality:

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aklatéú adv. Nonetheless.
amazekí a. Organically developed; grassroots; spontaneous; organic; unplanned.
anzodé v. To resolve a problem; to open oneself to wisdom.
anzodekía n. Resolution of a problem; opening to wisdom.
apshúessa n. Inspiration.
apté v. To incur.
arotidtu n. Personal experiment; a change or variation in one's habits for the sake of novelty or exploration.
atopeké v. To neglect.
atopekeneí a. Neglectful.
avé v. To cease being.
ber– pre. Incorrect; imaginary (short form.)
beril– pre. Incorrect; imaginary.
dekes ... ogé v. To prevent [with dative]; to come early.
dekké v. To succeed; to accomplish.
deklatesso n. Prevention.
des m. As a result; therefore; thus; that; then.
des– (2) pre. Then, used compactly in a conditional.
deséú m. Sentential adverbial form of 'then'.
détshúarí a. Predictable.
édarí a. Related to; connected with.
efeshessa n. Blame-worthiness.
egúrobu n. Mystery; uncertain thing.
eidelí a. Integral; necessary.
ekashya adv. Acting from purest intentions.
ekidzhé v. To cater to (acc = interest of dat); to bribe (dat) by providing (acc), especially if the exchange is initiated by the provider without having been expected beforehand by the recipient.
ekopré v. To compel.
–eksí suf. ~-causing (V to A).
ektetí a. Biotic; organic; originating in a living organism.
ellegé v. To induce.
ellegía n. Induction.
endíkté (mí kyete) v. To penalize.
endíktéo n. Penalty.
epsaré v. To trigger.
étava n. Any metaphysical construct believed to emanate history; see stía, shúthima, fopesso, and ikesso, and also Lilitic Fate for a more general treatise on the subject.
étavine n. Hypothetical sequence of events proposed as an explanation or plan, or the means through which divine forces indirectly shape the world.
étharí a. Interwoven; interleaved; twisted together.
étharidta n. Consequence.
Etharine n. Web of interlinked causal chains.
evakekhíalí a. Permanent.
evakekhíya adv. Permanently.
felsúeví a. Consecutive.
flévelíu n. Beginning; point of establishment.
fopesso n. Emanation of fopaza; compare shúthima.
gekhté v. To flow.
gekhtesso n. Consequence.
gekhtu n. Flow; the shape of movement.
gendiyurí a. Automatic; without thinking.
genédarí a. Unrelated; not involving any common factors; separate.
gentalya (2) adv. Promptly.
gezoé v. To interrupt.
gorai adv. Automatically.
gorí a. Automatic; by machine.
homé v. To rely.
íanethé v. To dare; to encourage taking risk.
íanzhané v. To cultivate; to mould upward.
íätake n. Eventuality, something inevitable.
ifilé v. To want; to require by desire.
ikesso n. Consequence of Iko, a variety of étava overlapping with the notion of a stía.
íkokassía n. Political revolution; collapse of social order.
íkokassískaonu n. Revolutionary; anti-government agitator.
ilaltu n. Sequential future.
ílé v. To need or want (archaic).
ílemía n. Need; necessity.
ílipsí a. Wanted; desired.
ilta n. The temporal or sequential future (shortened).
iltanéú adv. Consequently.
iltaní a. Consequent.
iraltu n. Sequential past.
irta n. The temporal or sequential past (shortened).
isaltu n. Sequential present.
kadípoa (2) v. Disappointment; shortcoming; shortage.
kadípokúé v. To disappoint; to come up short.
kedeko n. Accident.
kelpeftí a. Extremely ripe; on the verge of going bad, but not yet bad in any way; at the latest point of maximum greatness.
kelrobé v. To be probable.
kelropu n. Something which is probable.
kelrorlí a. Probable.
kelsañgekía n. Excession; disaster scenario; worst-case scenario; failure state.
kenoheneí a. Long-standing; long-unchanging.
kétalírí a. Heralding a significant milestone in social or technological development.
kezdúshkí a. Doomed; brought into life for misery.
kímaëdí a. Mutual.
kírobé v. To strongly predict.
klateka n. Natural conclusion; completion.
klateko n. Completion of work or a project.
kúlé v. To fill; to fulfill; to fully utilize; to complete.
kwedzin m. Why.
kwes pm. Because.
kwí conj. FPIC element indicating the nature of a relationship.
legethé v. To dictate instructions.
líska m. Why.
litrelíu n. Context.
litshu n. Component.
lúhailekhtíu n. Interference; blocking.
lúhailemé v. To interfere; to block; to stand between.
maiforo n. Incentive.
manazedí a. Mandatory; mandated; by order.
manethé v. To dictate opinions or a letter.
mathoiéú m. Through choice.
mazilleru n. A planning document, agenda, or schematic.

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