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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged politics:

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abístarí a. Uncontrollable; independent; rebellious; not able to be worked (for labour).
adíhoé (2) v. (With dative) to breathe for; to aspire to.
alepokoizildra n. Preference for small government and self-sufficiency; Libertarianism.
aleponu n. Freedom from restrictions or confinement.
alíalíegezríu n. Someone who opposes a moderate position.
alíkelfasekídu n. Someone who opposes deregulation or relaxing rules.
alíoprekhto n. Coup; rebellion; insurrection; uprising.
alítoneka n. Protest (event).
alpada n. Outrage.
alpolurivemekhta n. Outrage (comical, pleonastic).
amazekí a. Organically developed; grassroots; spontaneous; organic; unplanned.
–amazínu suf. Government characterized by ~ (N to N).
amúreksí a. Immune.
amúreksíu n. Immunity.
apodra n. Disobedience or lack of faith in leadership; faith in libertarianism.
asúkavéa n. Inequality.
bertopikúé n. To corrupt; to force the (start of) taking bribes; to induce to cheat.
bertopo n. Corruption; bribery; cheating.
betyaé v. To object.
betyaëkía n. Objection.
degeponé v. To capture or hold a hostage.
degeponedíu n. Hostage.
dúmintivo n. Citizenship.
dúmintu n. Citizen.
édeklo n. Elite; royal counsel; aristocracy.
ekrinyu n. Outsider.
émanazé v. To choose a chooser; such as when picking between recommendations.
éwalte n. The world of journalism; global or international matters.
feplemikidu n. Absolutist.
flévebé v. To establish an organisation, set of rules, or tradition.
flokina n. Riot or violent protest.
galsifora n. Loyalty [of a leader].
galsiforí a. Loyal [of a leader to a follower].
gendalúekí a. Graphic; unabridged; uncensored; containing violent, criminal, or lewd detail.
glostahé v. To march; to parade.
glosté v. To march; to parade; to escort (transitive).
golmipekwíu n. Censor.
gozibístu n. Anarchy.
hímaté v. To participate; to march with.
hímatekío n. Participation; marching with.
idhoremoto n. Spycraft; methods for conducting espionage.
idhorepiko n. Espionage.
ighiko n. Ideology.
ighikoní a. Ideological.
ílemía n. Need; necessity.
inshitru n. Faction; membership; party.
intsahé v. To betray.
intshakrina n. Nobility; ruling class.
intshakro n. Noble; aristocrat; member of the ruling class.
íntshéïna n. Assembly, membership (of ekeli).
íntshepé v. To assemble.
ítsnahé v. To betray (vulgar).
kalidaní a. Extremist.
kantikidu n. Purist.
kedvíté v. To conspire.
kedvíu n. Conspiracy; a plot that makes the hardships of life harder to ignore rather than easier.
kelamazínu n. Gerontocracy.
Kelatetía Kazarledis n. Trusted Elder, a member of the Kelatetina.
Kelatetina n. The Council of Elders, a senatorial body raised in 827 by second Matriarch Súa Gleméanivía to mediate her abdication and succession, which would eventually become the primary governing body on Thessia Major.
kelí zhetaña n. More than half; majority.
keripso n. Ballot, ostrakon, or potsherd used in voting; not to be confused with kyete or verede.
keripsoila n. Sortition lottery; box used to store government ostraka.
keryekwíu n. Government official responsible for maintaining social order.
khosaru n. Exile.
khoskezu n. Defiant or stubborn person; head-shaker.
kíleibo n. Headquarters.
kipaltúzu n. Insider; inside informant.
kipestu n. Leader, organizer, manager (particularly in a survival or governmental situation.)
kipponé v. To imprison.
kipponekía n. Imprisonment.
klaida n. Extremist.
klitramazínu n. Democracy or republic.
koinethé v. To negotiate.
koinethekhtía n. Negotiation.
koizildra n. Political ideology.
kyetsoila n. Job lottery; box used to store job beads.
légemé v. To preside over a meeting or governing body.
legethía n. Dictator; tyrant.
letekséo n. Crown.
lidra n. Yearning for cooperation; faith in collectivism or communism.
litrakoizildra n. Collectivism; communism.
litramazínu n. Oligarchy.
loksí a. Loyal [of a follower to a leader].
loksiforu n. Loyalty [of a follower].
manazúkinu n. The Establishment; the group of people forming the political level of government, as considered independently from its ideology, civil servants, and representation of the State.
manethía n. Speaker; boss; one who has a note-taking secretary or scribe.
mazewíu n. Decision-maker; any minister or autocrat involved in deciding legislation.
Mefísta Lilitinanis n. Mother of the Lilitai, a less-formal synonym for Mefístamazínanivía il Lilitina.
Mefístamazínanivía il a Lilitina n. Matriarch of the Lilitai, the leader of the semi-hereditary autarchy.
meirebé v. To confer titles or duties; to grant involvement.
míko n. Political zeitgeist; that which falls within the Overton window; established political practice.
míkoní a. Of a unified policy or philosophy; of the group consensus; of the body politic.
míldra n. Obedience or faith in leadership; faith in authoritarianism.
mílitradzhu n. Empire.
mílokha n. Consensus; overwhelming opinion determined informally.
mítevíu n. Head of state.
mitibístu n. Autocracy.
mitradzhu n. Empire.
mítrakoizildra n. Authoritarianism.
mitramazínu n. Populist/socialist democracy.

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