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Moiléa Tévopía
Personal Name: Moiléa
Familial Name: Tévopía
Cultural Title: Keldothía

Birth: 66255.507 lky
Death: 67891.712 lky
Lifespan: 1963.44 tgc

Species: Slokdtaba (pre-Lilitu)
Gender: Female

Biography: Well-known to history as the longest-living of the slokdtabasa, Moiléa the Hoarse led a unique life in her position as a royal councillor, a responsibility that was not widely-known. The extraordinary length of her life can be attributed to exclusive access to a handful of Rotomem relics (destroyed in the holocaust) which provided her with clean air and water, and the unique privilege of choosing and growing her own food; other slokdtabasa had none of these advantages and lived relatively short, stunted existences. Her knowledge of nutrition and horticulture was vital in allowing the Lilitai to maintain their food supply effectively. She also turned over several important relics to Gleméa belonging to the Kreskézaian throne, including the Diadem of Haidtúo and the Sceptre of Clay, and a wealth of historical records, including some documents from the time of first contact between the Ksreskézai and the Rotomemi.

Her duties fulfilled, she committed suicide in 2 lilpo aboard the garden-ship Rokéa, and was buried in the gardens that she helped create there, thus starting the Lilitic funerary tradition.

Personality: Moiléa was a brilliant speechwriter and tactician, and had a way with words that not even Reséa Chúkotía could match for some years afterwards. However, her entire life had been spent in the service of Ksreskézaian kings, and the Empire's well-being and status occupied her whole being; like her distant relative Gegloka Tévopía, the thought of betraying the state was not something she could stomach, and notoriously the Lilitai still did her honours and greeted her with Ksreskézaian blessings rather than their own.

When it was clear to her that there was no true successor state to the Empire, Moiléa understood that she had a duty to her people, but she was also largely motivated by a desire to ensure that the Ksreskézai were remembered. When she felt that she had done this adequately, and that the Lilitai would be effective if not always loving bards, she knew it was time for her to finally rest. It is said by Sarthía in Faltúbilis Ítossífa that Neptarléa and Rostyaekía, both goddesses of protection, fought over who would have the honour of escorting Moiléa to the afterlife. Later, a goddess of the same name was added to the pantheon as a mythologized interpretation of Moiléa's resolve, and post-Sarthían writers on Thet re-interpreted Moiléa as a sort of Messiah, who absolved the Lilitai of the burdens of the Ksreskézaian legacy while leaving them entitled to reap from it.

Holocaust of Ksreskézaian and Tletkettoyic Empires: witness; sole survivor of the Tévopío Palace Complex.