- kelí Aíteke apogelía. Currently exhibiting Tletketti artefacts from the late Tlem era (67000-67500 lky)
- lotane índe. Permanent collection of machinery and artefacts excavated on Thet during the first period of excavation (0-100 iky)
- soveme índe. Permanent collection of early Thessian Lilitai architectural relics (1044 lilpo-90 iky)
- Tannhauser conservatory. Currently exhibiting architectural samples from ruins of Survaní Doisseia (1044 lilpo-3274 iky)
- Atsha-Sithéa trúkhitro. Permanent collection of materials relating to the office of the Matriarch of the Lilitina of Thessia, archaic Illera, and the nomadic fleet (23948 ksepo-25 tgc)
- míteví dúmelíaní tshentwidhildto tsoimelío. Currently exhibiting the Anpari Private Collection of Collegian Intertextual Visual Art
- miteví legenare il an Eposhedta. Permanent display of Uravéan cult hiero-paraphernalia from archaic Illera (672-829 lilpo)
- leneví dúmalíaní tshentiwidhildto tsoimelío. Temporary exhibit on the Letema Sereksan (Identity Crisis) (2863-3261 iky)
- lokhanan tsoile miten. Dimming Echoes: Reed-era Perspectives (0-2500 tgc) on Late Prelapsarian Society (3000-3174 iky) in the Lilikoisa Valley
- lokhanan tsoile lenen. Babel by the Sea: cultural tensions in Torgezil and the search for self-expression among the Cossipi
- trúelía Venetían. The Khúsak, their Policies and Promises: the Expanse's original identity crisis in a time of hope
- lokhanan tsoile raipen. Naupegarchy: The Dominion of the Pzuubvaal
- lokhanan tsoile koten. A Brief History of Pzúghamë
- índo illenegenareneis. The Zaqjin–Pzuubvaal Pact
- Hallway Rôtomeman. Billions and Billions: History of the Globkhro Federation
- boselía Illeran. (left of centre) Votive treasury from Illeran supplicants
- boselía Diséan. (left of centre) Votive treasury from Lilikoisan supplicants
- tsoildta mítevis. First evidence of early Pesenid contact with Globkhro (c. 62600 lky)
- tsoildta lenevis. Globkhro under the Pesenese Union (62651–62914 lky)
- tsoildta raipevis. Early independent Globkhro (62914–63205 lky)
- tsoildta kotevis. Ksreskézaian Globkhro (63205–67891 lky)
- tsoildta alkevis. Early Globkhro Federation (67891–73594 lky)
- tsoildta tañgevis. Late Globkhro Federation (73594–75615 lky)
- tsoildta vesevis. Modern Globkhro (75615 lky–present)
- camera prima. The Khúsak: From Hobala To The Stars
- camera secunda. The Khúsak: Dreamers of Peace
- camera tria. The Khúsak: Modern Archaeological Findings
- Hallway Temporal. Overture of human history
- Illúmbelía Dextran. See front desk for schedule of upcoming lectures
- Hallway Spiritual. Overture of Terran religion
- Arcade of Amounkoros. Noctis, the dreamland behind
- Parlour of Eftia II. Exhibit on relics from early Sidêrean Regenelía (c. 3000–3200 tgc)
- Kathisma of Evdokia IX. Right arm of the Colossus of Amounkoros (Amúnkorôn suit)
- tsoildta il Korexidine. Daily life under the triumvirate of Dúnédan (2954–3001 tgc)
- tsoildta il Sifisko. New truths of self: the egrekeloi community in Dúnédan during the Interim
- tsoildta il Gashkedi. Ghont Ghambit: the Liwíen mission to Velanner (2952 tgc)
- tsoildta il Ioya II Lilikoisa. Permanent exhibit on Wanisinese activities in Velanner
- altoinéa Tamaksían. Library of Tamaksía I of Wanisin (r. 12153–14091 wanpo)
- Paint Hall. Penethem and the New Pesenese Union
- stone nook. Seeds of the Identity Crisis
- Red Dwarf Cantina. See front desk for opening and closing hours; featuring documentary information on pan-human genealogy
- Kryten Conservatory. Ritzang clans and the politics of post-Reed Níonosca
- Rimmer Alcove. Xhomitzi epigenetics: a tragic past uncovered by syringe
- Lister Hall. Twôlish Riddles and Secrets
- Damascus Way. Crasis: Humanity as the genetic laboratory of the universe
- Samarkand Wing. CRISPR and the origins of human modification (2013–2509 CE)
- Tehran Cantel. Becoming Human: Spurious, convergent, and imitative species
- New Cairo Salon. History of early biology on Terra (1800–2035 CE)
- Kandahar Vestibule. Genetic treasury: Phylogenesis of the Telaian mission and the Mandate of Emmet
- Armstrong Qian. Lost beyond self: stories from the Letema Sereksan (Identity Crisis) (2863-3261 iky)
- Aldrin Qian. Real Counterculture: respeccers, netters, linkers, and thinkers
- Dyson Qian. The Thessian Miracle: Heroes and lives of the early shattered archipelago in Tletkars (0–71 tgc)
- Bohr Qian. Guardian of Forever: Memorial to Anastasia Dextra (3189–3274? iky)
- Naira il Darika. Foundations of Sarthían mysticism
- Dzapota il asa Saskíai. Votive statuary of étharivenikudzha (pan-Venikanism)
- Naira il asa Stillanivíai. Corridor for clergy access to the Eposhedta (#80); no public access
- thalámē Thessiae Antipous. The Venikan framework of Oksian alchemy and its legacy in Lilitic political discourse
- Tsoilos zo h'Iraltôn. The Úravéan Cult of Tshelvaní Doisseia: Its History and Traditions
- Deketsoila. Temple antechamber; holds Twelfth Empire altar of Urava (Úravéa) originally commissioned for display at the Bright Hall, Sur'daro, Wanisin; apply at front desk for access
- Keltsoila il Stillaníai. Temple reliquary; no public access
- Sterethina'l Stillúbequíai. Priestesses' quarters; no public access
- setelía. No public access
- illotetelía. Temple library; no public access
- eftessomatelía. Consultation and prayer chamber; see front desk for availability
- krenova. No public access
- ave Aristopolitum. Found: The story of first contact between the Lilitai and Lyrisclensiae (1071 lilpo/68156 lky)
- nexus akhano. Whispers of Greater Tletkars: Tletketti and Khshk outposts from the rim of the shadow realm
- nexus alefano. Apocalypse Looming: Tletketti religion and the end of history
- nexus ghano. Recreation of the Tletkettoyic nuclear pile at Tlemezil
- setelía famis. Public cafeteria; see front desk for menu
- Tokapé Room. Life and achievements of Dr. Carl Edward Sagan (1934–1996 CE) sponsored by Peseneyic Contact Society
- Tlemezil Qian. Access terminal and technical showcase: decommissioned Dis Psyches
- Torgezil Qian. the way windward, a new sculpture by Carina Foya
- Apelía. Original bridge of the Alepona (Salo) removed during retrofitting in 104 tgc
- Catharsis Parlour. Special exhibit on the surviving regalia of rulers from the Iron provincial period
- Chamber of Harmonies. Nosica and the Prelapsarian World
- Chamber of Melodies. New Nosica (60–2500 tgc)
- Chamber of Resonance. Iron Níonosca (3000–4950 tgc)
- Chamber of Rhythm. Voices from the Consolidation: Níonosca in its own words
- Eposhedta il mefíaní Koistilla. Preserved in original form circa 200 iky when the Temple of Uravéa was donated to the Museum; see front desk for schedule of upcoming services
- Capnomantic chamber. Divination techniques of the Cults of the Dútéans
- Cymatospictic chamber. Divination techniques of the Cults of Zeltetéa and Tshayéa
- Deginelía il Mútzima Úravéda. Tomb of Mútzima of the Dark Wand, first High Priestess of the Cult of Úravéa
- tsoila mekhanis. (next to #66) Scale model of precontact Lilikoisa (c. 1072 lilpo)
- Boselyo Natí Wanisinôn. (below #80) Votive treasury of offerings from Illeran Wanisin (1768–2235 tgc)
- Femboselia panlilitinae. Votive treasury of offerings from Panlilitic and Neosarthian supplicants
- Boselía Sarthidi Wanisinôn. Votive treasury of offerings from Sarthian Wanisin (1768 tgc–present)
- Femboselio a Mokamela Kelis. Votive treasury of offerings from Fígestrimaní Roventría, Wanisin
- Boselía fefekíanis. Memorial to the victims of the Illeran Plague
- Boselía genkilosa. Memorial to the victims of Masadéanism
- Týmba il ta Mefísta Sotana. Mausoleum of Locussa (Didta) Gazdattía Didakta (Atsha-Sithéanivía) il Lilitina, last canonical Matriarch of the Lilitai of Thet