The following dictionary entries are tagged economy:
aitzelío n. Place of business (store, shop, etc.) belonging to a merchant.
altshiñgé v. To bargain.
altshiñgío v. Bargain; deal; discount.
apilkúé v. Incorporate.
apté v. To incur.
balitro n. Governmental ministry; corporate department or division.
bízanlé v. To delegate work.
bizano n. Bulletin board; chore rota; duty roster.
bízekhtúkwía n. Work allocator; someone who assigns jobs and duty rosters.
bízekí a. Operational, said of a person, plan, or ensemble; able to labour.
bízetalí a. Part-time.
bizlumbelía n. Training academy; trade school.
bosamarí a. Precious.
boselíu n. Treasury, especially a votive treasury at an oracle intended to impress pilgrims.
efsarnozí a. Charitable; of a humanitarian nature.
empéré v. To evaluate.
empérío n. Evaluation.
éngéllo n. Levy on travellers; fee; fine; tax; tariff; fare.
ensurgekhtí a. (of a factory or machine) Progressive; continuous; assembly-line; (in computing) pipelined; not batched.
evadíhosso n. Prosperity; result of aspirations achieved.
evgenúa n. Donation.
evgenúbé v. To donate.
evgenúka n. Donor.
fertshiñgzu n. Patron; art-buyer.
fíyedazé v. To beg (for money).
flopé v. To gamble; to bet on something with no skill involved.
flopekhtía n. Gambling; betting.
gulu n. Major unit of money (slang).
haitedu n. Asset.
idemé v. To earn.
idemeneí a. Earning; working; profitable.
idemessu n. Earnings; gains; profits.
iñgolía n. Marketplace; location where the market is set up.
iñgora n. Market; time when the market is open.
karaitzu n. Acquaintance; patron; one who has a muse.
kétalírí a. Heralding a significant milestone in social or technological development.
kétalíro n. Significant milestone in social or technological development.
khosarekte n. Scope [of a project].
kíezgekíu n. Round; one lap of the patrol of a worker.
kíleibo n. Headquarters.
korré (natalémanekhtikhe) v. To declare a loss of objectivity, usually to quit a job to date a coworker.
krení talìdte n. Booking, appointment, reservation.
krenúbé v. To deal; to make exchange agreements.
krenúza n. Dealer; one who arranges deals.
kúorí a. Operational, said of a factory; able to make.
kwíkedoví a. [of a tragedy] involving substantial humanitarian cost.
kyétabíze n. Job.
kyetarlé v. To recruit.
kyetarlekía n. Recruitment.
kyetsoila n. Job lottery; box used to store job beads.
laithebeneí a. Productive.
laitinsurí a. Costly.
leneska n. Second-shift job.
lénúya adv. In part-time; in the afternoon.
leres haité v. To profit; to benefit from; to rise above using.
loharí a. Operational, said of a device; able to be used.
maiforo n. Incentive.
míska n. First-shift job.
mítúya adv. In part-time; in the morning.
mízhandí ravero n. Letter of patent; certificate of first innovation.
mízhando n. Patent; certificate of first art.
nanabedekwía n. Plumber.
natúekwía riñkilis n. Waste remover; any job that should be highly paid to offset its unpleasantness.
nendí a. Net.
nenúdí a. Net.
nenúé v. To total up accounts of sums and deficits.
neptshingu n. Stipend, allowance, welfare, or any other guaranteed income or public aid money.
núekwía n. Accountant.
nulya repeneí a. Rare; scarce; exclusive.
onverekwía n. Stock-keeper; someone who tracks specifics of an inventory.
oshethé v. To lobby.
pegrenía n. Fraud.
pensya adv. For only some of the time; in part-time; only occupying part of a timeframe.
plúkhtío n. Mining.
raiska n. Third-shift job, typically selling the products of the second shift.
raveru n. Contract.
rebilika n. Philosophical stance favouring generosity, especially pride in quality of work performed.
regé v. To buy.
rekúu n. Services.
rezarlé v. To resign from a job.
rezarlekhtía n. Resignation from a job.
rindikhto n. Exploitation.
rindikté v. To exploit; to squeeze something until it is damaged.
samponé v. To protect.
saru n. Activity; work.
sarzelío n. Place of business (store, shop, etc.) belonging to a craftsperson.
stemo n. Rations; street-food; carnival food; food sold cheaply and pre-cooked for immediate consumption.
stinu n. Personnel; people; population.
súkathé v. To compensate; to make adequate.
súkavehedí a. Making things equal; adequate.
takúé v. To consume; to use up.
takúko n. Consumption (economics/resource management).
tekíptu n. Capital stock.
thebeyerío n. Productivity.
tinso n. Cost, not necessarily monetary.
tríoksu n. Landlord.
tshaitu n. Trade; exchange involving money.
tshelde n. Backing; source of support.
tshiñgu n. Currency, money, or any item used for barter.
tshinsúo n. Cost, not necessarily monetary.
altshiñgé v. To bargain.
altshiñgío v. Bargain; deal; discount.
apilkúé v. Incorporate.
apté v. To incur.
balitro n. Governmental ministry; corporate department or division.
bízanlé v. To delegate work.
bizano n. Bulletin board; chore rota; duty roster.
bízekhtúkwía n. Work allocator; someone who assigns jobs and duty rosters.
bízekí a. Operational, said of a person, plan, or ensemble; able to labour.
bízetalí a. Part-time.
bizlumbelía n. Training academy; trade school.
bosamarí a. Precious.
boselíu n. Treasury, especially a votive treasury at an oracle intended to impress pilgrims.
efsarnozí a. Charitable; of a humanitarian nature.
empéré v. To evaluate.
empérío n. Evaluation.
éngéllo n. Levy on travellers; fee; fine; tax; tariff; fare.
ensurgekhtí a. (of a factory or machine) Progressive; continuous; assembly-line; (in computing) pipelined; not batched.
evadíhosso n. Prosperity; result of aspirations achieved.
evgenúa n. Donation.
evgenúbé v. To donate.
evgenúka n. Donor.
fertshiñgzu n. Patron; art-buyer.
fíyedazé v. To beg (for money).
flopé v. To gamble; to bet on something with no skill involved.
flopekhtía n. Gambling; betting.
gulu n. Major unit of money (slang).
haitedu n. Asset.
idemé v. To earn.
idemeneí a. Earning; working; profitable.
idemessu n. Earnings; gains; profits.
iñgolía n. Marketplace; location where the market is set up.
iñgora n. Market; time when the market is open.
karaitzu n. Acquaintance; patron; one who has a muse.
kétalírí a. Heralding a significant milestone in social or technological development.
kétalíro n. Significant milestone in social or technological development.
khosarekte n. Scope [of a project].
kíezgekíu n. Round; one lap of the patrol of a worker.
kíleibo n. Headquarters.
korré (natalémanekhtikhe) v. To declare a loss of objectivity, usually to quit a job to date a coworker.
krení talìdte n. Booking, appointment, reservation.
krenúbé v. To deal; to make exchange agreements.
krenúza n. Dealer; one who arranges deals.
kúorí a. Operational, said of a factory; able to make.
kwíkedoví a. [of a tragedy] involving substantial humanitarian cost.
kyétabíze n. Job.
kyetarlé v. To recruit.
kyetarlekía n. Recruitment.
kyetsoila n. Job lottery; box used to store job beads.
laithebeneí a. Productive.
laitinsurí a. Costly.
leneska n. Second-shift job.
lénúya adv. In part-time; in the afternoon.
leres haité v. To profit; to benefit from; to rise above using.
loharí a. Operational, said of a device; able to be used.
maiforo n. Incentive.
míska n. First-shift job.
mítúya adv. In part-time; in the morning.
mízhandí ravero n. Letter of patent; certificate of first innovation.
mízhando n. Patent; certificate of first art.
nanabedekwía n. Plumber.
natúekwía riñkilis n. Waste remover; any job that should be highly paid to offset its unpleasantness.
nendí a. Net.
nenúdí a. Net.
nenúé v. To total up accounts of sums and deficits.
neptshingu n. Stipend, allowance, welfare, or any other guaranteed income or public aid money.
núekwía n. Accountant.
nulya repeneí a. Rare; scarce; exclusive.
onverekwía n. Stock-keeper; someone who tracks specifics of an inventory.
oshethé v. To lobby.
pegrenía n. Fraud.
pensya adv. For only some of the time; in part-time; only occupying part of a timeframe.
plúkhtío n. Mining.
raiska n. Third-shift job, typically selling the products of the second shift.
raveru n. Contract.
rebilika n. Philosophical stance favouring generosity, especially pride in quality of work performed.
regé v. To buy.
rekúu n. Services.
rezarlé v. To resign from a job.
rezarlekhtía n. Resignation from a job.
rindikhto n. Exploitation.
rindikté v. To exploit; to squeeze something until it is damaged.
samponé v. To protect.
saru n. Activity; work.
sarzelío n. Place of business (store, shop, etc.) belonging to a craftsperson.
stemo n. Rations; street-food; carnival food; food sold cheaply and pre-cooked for immediate consumption.
stinu n. Personnel; people; population.
súkathé v. To compensate; to make adequate.
súkavehedí a. Making things equal; adequate.
takúé v. To consume; to use up.
takúko n. Consumption (economics/resource management).
tekíptu n. Capital stock.
thebeyerío n. Productivity.
tinso n. Cost, not necessarily monetary.
tríoksu n. Landlord.
tshaitu n. Trade; exchange involving money.
tshelde n. Backing; source of support.
tshiñgu n. Currency, money, or any item used for barter.
tshinsúo n. Cost, not necessarily monetary.