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reverse listing of Lilitika Dictionary
Lilitika Dictionary
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Lilitu, /lɪ'lɪtuː/, n. Lilitu. See encyclopedia article.

usage: Contrary to its usage in other languages, lilitu is actually a demonym (cultural name), not a species name. Groups such as the Mitradzhethíasa, the Egrekeloi, and various isolated slokdtabasa who survived the extinction of the Ksreskézai are not generally referred to using the word "lilitu," but rather egrekelu.

etymology: Directly from Rotomemi; recovered from documents possessed by Moiléa Tévopía.
attestation: Over time this displaced egrekelu as the species name; the latter was virtually unknown to the general public by the time of the Shattering.
Archaic (Oksí, Íomanazinení, Zeyetaní, early Venrafivíai): inflect as -a feminine noun.
Classical (late Venrafivíai, Sarasí, Illeran, Ketalán, Dísséan): inflect as -a (feminine/azhoi adzhrekía) in all forms except singular nominative. Treat as true feminine.

related: egrekelu, slokdtabu, Lilitina
tags: noun, concrete, people, culture, living, biology, nation
reverse terms: Lilitu

slokdtabu, n. (a) Lilitu servant (in feminine declension); (b) slave (in neuter declension).

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

tags: noun, concrete, people, nation, profession, culture
reverse terms: Lilitu, servant, slave

egrekelu, n. Culturally neutral term for a Lilitu. The word derives from the Ksreskézaian for 'from the stars,' and was used mostly in early medical contexts when the Ksreskézai felt that slokdtaba was inappropriate. Throughout the history of the Lilitai as an independent people, this word has more often been used to discuss cultural splinter groups and those naturalized in other civilizations. Because of its etymology as a perceived term of respect by their ancient masters, the word is generally considered very respectful, but sometimes provokes extremely negative reactions.

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

tags: noun, living, animal, biology, people
reverse terms: Lilitu

zelnagendeshu, n. Biological term for human of Rotomem stock; specifically meaning 'those who were captured'.

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

tags: noun, living, animal, biology, people
reverse terms: egrekelu, ekela, Lilitu, Rotomemi descendant, Rotomemi survivor