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reverse listing of Lilitika Dictionary
Lilitika Dictionary
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stillu, n. God or Goddess. In traditional Lilitic religion all of the deities are female, so stilla is more familiar to the Lilitai than stillo or stille, which may be more appropriate for other religions. Consequentially, there are many derivative terms that include an 'a' in the middle which might have otherwise used 'u'. Personifying important phenomena and concepts as feminine (such as atsha, "star") is common in early Lilitic. (From stu + illu.)

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

tags: noun, concrete, religion, goddess
reverse terms: deity, divinity, essence, god, goddess, spirit, supreme being

stillinara, n. Syncretic goddess.

usage: To different writers and at different times, a stillinara might be a personified and unique deity (kantí stillinara), an aspect of the central deity in her constituency (kelhedí stillinara), merely an assemblage of separate distinct stillai that express a common theme (stillinara hiegeneía), or an amorphous combination somewhere in between (alegúlí stillinara). There were nine established syncretic goddesses of significance at the time of human contact: Masadéa, Tsoiléa, Kedosithéa, Alzessa, Mokaspéa, Yerelbedéa, Nagendéa, Sarekwía, and Múretría. More at Lilitic Religion.

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

related: stillu, naru
tags: noun, religion
reverse terms: deity, god, goddess, syncresis