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stillinara, n. Syncretic goddess.

usage: To different writers and at different times, a stillinara might be a personified and unique deity (kantí stillinara), an aspect of the central deity in her constituency (kelhedí stillinara), merely an assemblage of separate distinct stillai that express a common theme (stillinara hiegeneía), or an amorphous combination somewhere in between (alegúlí stillinara). There were nine established syncretic goddesses of significance at the time of human contact: Masadéa, Tsoiléa, Kedosithéa, Alzessa, Mokaspéa, Yerelbedéa, Nagendéa, Sarekwía, and Múretría. More at Lilitic Religion.

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

related: stillu, naru
tags: noun, religion
reverse terms: deity, god, goddess, syncresis