kedolempeneí, a. Glittering; shiny but having a coarse texture, thereby yielding an uneven image; eye-catching; bearing mesmerizing detail; secretive.
usage: The second-last sense implies a hidden element in the object's nature or shape which can only be seen when exposed to light and stared at from peculiar angles. This may mean that something is merely not as it initially appears, but from context a negative implication of treachery or deliberate intent to mislead may be inferred: "Noezéú la kedobías hé kelempeneías viris—alemurolebí epoai—ekla des kedolempeneías viris; la karsas il yengíai úraviris, ekla fínanéú la sasa telmiris khé sasa alíes menti novaklai wizgiris." — Not only was she ill-tempered (rough) and smooth-talking (glossy)—harmless mannerisms—but she was deceitful; she seemed to be a friend to all, but in truth (mockingly) she twisted us and turned us against each other.
tags: adjective, optics, material
reverse terms: deceptive, dishonest, eye-catching, glamorous, glittering, mesmerizing, secretive