pléovu, n. Solar year.
tags: noun, temporal, unit, astronomy
reverse terms: year
talpléovu, n. A Thessian year, also known as a great cycle. See Horology for more details.
tags: noun, unit, temporal
reverse terms: year
surví talpléovu, n. tgc; the Thessian calendar basis. See Horology for more details.
tags: noun, unit, temporal
reverse terms: great cycle, TGC, year
tshelví talpléovu, n. IKY; the Lyrisclensian calendar basis used on prelapsarian Thet, as well as the corresponding unit of time (about 825 Terran days). See Horology for more details.
tags: noun, unit, temporal
reverse terms: IKY, year
lírisí talpléovu, n. LKY; the Lyrisclensian calendar basis used at the Trestunarion. See Horology for more details. For the corresponding unit of measurement, Lilitic speakers usually say tshelví talpléovu.
tags: noun, unit, temporal
reverse terms: LKY, year
pléove, n. Ksreskézaian year (Glotshatko: 243 solwiksete, or ~205.8 Earth days).
usage: The neuter inflection often implies the Ksreskézaian year; see also pléovu.
tags: noun, temporal, unit
reverse terms: year