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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged temporal:

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adzheldídte n. Timestamp.
Akatshova n. Monday, the second day of the Gregorian week.
akekhí a. Infinite; endless.
akekhía n. Eternity; all of the future.
akonova n. Lunar month.
alatedai adv. Continuously; unabatedly.
alatedí a. Continuous; unabated.
alazé v. To hesitate or briefly pause.
Alestanova n. March, the third month of the Gregorian calendar.
alvegzu n. A Thessian minute.
alyé v. To wait (for someone or something expected).
alyé (2) v. (with dative) To await.
Aménova n. April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar.
Amétalía n. Romance, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Amétshova n. Friday, the sixth day of the Gregorian week.
apefí a. Without beginning; especially used of timeless traditions or phenomena.
apefía n. Eternity; all time until now.
atalí a. Never occurring.
atalu n. Never.
Atetalía n. Childhood, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
atko n. Calendar of dates, long-term schedule.
atshégía n. Dusk.
atshelíu n. Date and/or index in time.
Atshénova n. Sunday, the first day of the Gregorian week.
atshogía n. Dawn.
atshovu n. Solar day.
Atvôdzhova n. Tuesday, the third day of the Gregorian week.
bízetalí a. Part-time.
búvu n. Phase.
Dekléréka n. Day of Ithovíha, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
deksaré v. [with dative] To prepare for an event.
Deztranova n. August, the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar.
didtale n. Moment, instant, centisecond (Glotshatko: 1/144th of a taldidte).
didtalu n. Instant, moment.
dzuvê ex. With regards to the situation at hand; what is currently being done; presently; now; already; anyway.
égekhtía il talina n. Passage of time.
ekahekhtu n. Variant, alternative form, deviation, variation.
Ekhessanova n. July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
enakonoví a. Monthly.
enotalu n. Nowadays; contemporary times; right now; the middle of now.
entalu n. Meantime; time that is available because something else is happening.
Éntanova n. November, the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
envenakoya adv. Overnight.
Épotelía n. The season of Summer or the middle rainy season, when plants thrive.
éta– pre. Non-instantaneous; over an interval.
étalu n. Then.
étavé v. To happen (of an event).
felsúeví a. Consecutive.
flévelíu n. Beginning; point of establishment.
flozhanía n. Natural distortion or warping, such as that seen in wet lumber.
gekhté v. To flow.
gekhtu n. Flow; the shape of movement.
gentalurai adv. Instantly.
gentalya adv. Instantly.
Gléréka n. Day of Zeltetéa, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
ilaltes pm. Later; in the future.
ílé v. To need or want (archaic).
ilta n. The temporal or sequential future (shortened).
iraltes pm. Ago.
irta n. The temporal or sequential past (shortened).
ishtaréú adv. Long ago; used at the beginning of a story written in the aorist or past tense.
Ítetalía n. Adulthood, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Kaléréka n. Day of Poaléa, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Kantanova n. February, the second month of the Gregorian calendar.
Karsetalía n. Friend-Time, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
kastalí a. Briefly.
kekh– pre. End (when preceding a vowel).
kekhí– pre. End (when preceding a consonant).
kekhíu n. Ending time.
Kelatalía n. Old Age, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
kelnaití a. Old, dated (oppose naití, new).
keltalí a. Of long duration.
keltalikúé v. To prolong; to draw out, especially rhetorical amplification.
keltalurí a. Long-time.
kettalí a. Chronic.
kibúes pm. In time with, in concert with, in beat with (using the instrumental case).
kírobé v. To strongly predict.
kivenakoa n. Midnight.
kivenatsha n. Noon.
klai kordíkedí a. Padded out.
klateka n. Natural conclusion; completion.
klateko n. Completion of work or a project.
klowu n. Clock.
kyéta– pre. Habitual; a recurring event with duration.
kyetavé v. To happen or occur periodically.
lénúya adv. In part-time; in the afternoon.
lépetalo n. Date of founding.
les pm. During.
Levadzhova n. Thursday, the fifth day of the Gregorian week.
lírisí talpléovu n. LKY; the Lyrisclensian calendar basis used at the Trestunarion.
Lítranova n. June, the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar.
litratshovu n. A Thessian month.
Lítréréka n. Day of Lítréa, the first day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
lútalo n. Interim; time between two events.
lútaloní a. Interim.
Masadotalía n. Month of Pregnancy, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
mes pm. At.
mevogé v. To originate; to have first come [from etc].
mítelíbé v. To debut.
mítúya adv. In part-time; in the morning.

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