The following dictionary entries are tagged noun:
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Alestéïko n. Alestéanism, the state cult of Wanisin; see Alestéa.
alestillindezríu n. Blasphemer.
alestu n. Hatefulness.
alestúa n. Bad omen foretelling anger or hatred.
alestuní lapíu n. Hail.
alestúra n. Arm blade; a slashing weapon strapped to the underside of the forearm.
alestyuru n. Hogenem (biological term).
alétsu n. Inter-spacetime vacuum; void sometimes posited to exist between branes.
alezorekta n. Restraint.
alfeghilera n. Metazoan.
Alfí Didta n. Another name for Earth, commonly abbreviated Alfí'dta.
Alfí stulitrika n. Symmetrical kinship system; see Lilitic Kinship.
alfididtaní thelapekwía n. Gardener specializing in Terran crops.
Alfina n. Terran culture.
Alfossa n. Earth (poetic); contrast Terra and Alfí Didta.
Alfu n. Terran human.
algome n. Neodymium.
alíalíegezríu n. Someone who opposes a moderate position.
Alíegepekhtía n. Large post-marriage ritual; see Lilitic Marriage.
alíegezu n. Coward.
alígezu n. Retreating person.
alíkelfasekídu n. Someone who opposes deregulation or relaxing rules.
alíkidu n. Contrarian; someone prone to doubting or denying things unreasonably, or adopting unpopular positions for attention.
alíkro n. Sanction against.
alíkússo n. Rejection.
Alímútzaka n. Firefighter.
alínatreko n. Discrimination; separation or distinction for the purposes of antagonism.
alínozekío n. Detention.
alíoamezríu n. In an unequal relationship, a partner bearing the heavier load who has lost respect for the other.
alíoprekhtía n. Secession.
alíoprekhto n. Coup; rebellion; insurrection; uprising.
alipkona n. The literary essence of the coming-of-age story.
alipkonía n. The coming-of-age plot-type; a coming-of-age story.
aliptedu n. Adept.
alíradíu n. Disruption.
alísogezu n. Stalker, rapist, vicious critic.
Alísogía'l Trotúzasa n. Annual ceremony honouring Rostyaekía.
alítoneka n. Protest (event).
alítúbúka n. Prosecutor.
alítúbúzina n. Prosecution.
alíúbekío n. Contradiction.
alivitení nazhofezríu n. Semicolon or sentence-welding declarative colon.
alivitu n. Sentence.
alíwikso n. Refusal; turning away from.
alka n. The digit five.
alkalome n. Terbium.
alkome n. Boron.
alkotome n. Gadolinium.
alle n. Elsewhere.
allenome n. Samarium.
allistekíu n. Censor; deletionist; authoritarian; legislator who favours strict prohibitions.
allistelío n. Censor's office.
almítome n. Promethium.
alnaru n. Line of text in a story or poem.
alnezu n. Spacesuit.
alofebía n. Clarity.
alonilede n. Jealous desire.
aloshéfu n. Transparency; neutrality to light.
alpada n. Outrage.
alpola n. Anger.
alpolurivemekhta n. Outrage (comical, pleonastic).
alraiome n. Europium.
alshútome n. Ytterbium.
alsoidútu n. Depression.
alsoileríu n. Blunt object; any weapon that is thrown or used for bashing.
alsoimútzímu n. Charcoal.
alsovéu n. Solid sphere; ball.
alsúlome n. Erbium.
altañome n. Dysprosium.
alteru n. Unit (of measurement).
althoizekío n. Breakthrough.
altigenara n. Sense (of smell, hearing, etc).
altílleru n. Data, or any representation of information.
altíveru n. Array (mathematical); an indexed series of numbers.
altivo n. Index; glossary; table of contents; et cetera, as a section of a book.
altoinéu n. Library; customs and law information post.
altsipome n. Thulium.
altsithu n. Speech.
altu n. Information.
altúbekía n. Assertion of data; provision of information.
altúegíu n. Data bus.
altúkwíu n. Informant.
altuneitu n. Non-volatile data storage.
alturivíu n. Cache.
alvegzu n. A Thessian minute.
alvesome n. Holmium.
alzesso n. Troubled thought; echo of fear.
alzoko n. Fear; terror.
alzostou n. Nightmare; night-terror.
ama n. Love.
ama (2) n. Rare synonym for the A vowel; see ahala.
amaba n. Co-mother, caretaker, or father.
amabekwía n. Dominatrix, a type of sofekwía.
amama n. Co-mother, caretaker, or father.
amanazedivíu n. Volunteer.
amañgalso n. Stock character in erotic fiction noted for stoic, masculine traits; named for showing up at convenient opportunities (see amañgalsu) and lacking a well-formed identity; stud or gigolo; oppose kolemu.
amañgalsu n. Someone who shows up unexpectedly to do something useful or help; in literature, often used disparagingly of characters introduced to resolve the plot in the fourth or fifth act; a mild deus ex machina.
amarekía n. Act of affection.
amashúthíka n. Romanticism.
amatekía n. Disagreement.
alestillindezríu n. Blasphemer.
alestu n. Hatefulness.
alestúa n. Bad omen foretelling anger or hatred.
alestuní lapíu n. Hail.
alestúra n. Arm blade; a slashing weapon strapped to the underside of the forearm.
alestyuru n. Hogenem (biological term).
alétsu n. Inter-spacetime vacuum; void sometimes posited to exist between branes.
alezorekta n. Restraint.
alfeghilera n. Metazoan.
Alfí Didta n. Another name for Earth, commonly abbreviated Alfí'dta.
Alfí stulitrika n. Symmetrical kinship system; see Lilitic Kinship.
alfididtaní thelapekwía n. Gardener specializing in Terran crops.
Alfina n. Terran culture.
Alfossa n. Earth (poetic); contrast Terra and Alfí Didta.
Alfu n. Terran human.
algome n. Neodymium.
alíalíegezríu n. Someone who opposes a moderate position.
Alíegepekhtía n. Large post-marriage ritual; see Lilitic Marriage.
alíegezu n. Coward.
alígezu n. Retreating person.
alíkelfasekídu n. Someone who opposes deregulation or relaxing rules.
alíkidu n. Contrarian; someone prone to doubting or denying things unreasonably, or adopting unpopular positions for attention.
alíkro n. Sanction against.
alíkússo n. Rejection.
Alímútzaka n. Firefighter.
alínatreko n. Discrimination; separation or distinction for the purposes of antagonism.
alínozekío n. Detention.
alíoamezríu n. In an unequal relationship, a partner bearing the heavier load who has lost respect for the other.
alíoprekhtía n. Secession.
alíoprekhto n. Coup; rebellion; insurrection; uprising.
alipkona n. The literary essence of the coming-of-age story.
alipkonía n. The coming-of-age plot-type; a coming-of-age story.
aliptedu n. Adept.
alíradíu n. Disruption.
alísogezu n. Stalker, rapist, vicious critic.
Alísogía'l Trotúzasa n. Annual ceremony honouring Rostyaekía.
alítoneka n. Protest (event).
alítúbúka n. Prosecutor.
alítúbúzina n. Prosecution.
alíúbekío n. Contradiction.
alivitení nazhofezríu n. Semicolon or sentence-welding declarative colon.
alivitu n. Sentence.
alíwikso n. Refusal; turning away from.
alka n. The digit five.
alkalome n. Terbium.
alkome n. Boron.
alkotome n. Gadolinium.
alle n. Elsewhere.
allenome n. Samarium.
allistekíu n. Censor; deletionist; authoritarian; legislator who favours strict prohibitions.
allistelío n. Censor's office.
almítome n. Promethium.
alnaru n. Line of text in a story or poem.
alnezu n. Spacesuit.
alofebía n. Clarity.
alonilede n. Jealous desire.
aloshéfu n. Transparency; neutrality to light.
alpada n. Outrage.
alpola n. Anger.
alpolurivemekhta n. Outrage (comical, pleonastic).
alraiome n. Europium.
alshútome n. Ytterbium.
alsoidútu n. Depression.
alsoileríu n. Blunt object; any weapon that is thrown or used for bashing.
alsoimútzímu n. Charcoal.
alsovéu n. Solid sphere; ball.
alsúlome n. Erbium.
altañome n. Dysprosium.
alteru n. Unit (of measurement).
althoizekío n. Breakthrough.
altigenara n. Sense (of smell, hearing, etc).
altílleru n. Data, or any representation of information.
altíveru n. Array (mathematical); an indexed series of numbers.
altivo n. Index; glossary; table of contents; et cetera, as a section of a book.
altoinéu n. Library; customs and law information post.
altsipome n. Thulium.
altsithu n. Speech.
altu n. Information.
altúbekía n. Assertion of data; provision of information.
altúegíu n. Data bus.
altúkwíu n. Informant.
altuneitu n. Non-volatile data storage.
alturivíu n. Cache.
alvegzu n. A Thessian minute.
alvesome n. Holmium.
alzesso n. Troubled thought; echo of fear.
alzoko n. Fear; terror.
alzostou n. Nightmare; night-terror.
ama n. Love.
ama (2) n. Rare synonym for the A vowel; see ahala.
amaba n. Co-mother, caretaker, or father.
amabekwía n. Dominatrix, a type of sofekwía.
amama n. Co-mother, caretaker, or father.
amanazedivíu n. Volunteer.
amañgalso n. Stock character in erotic fiction noted for stoic, masculine traits; named for showing up at convenient opportunities (see amañgalsu) and lacking a well-formed identity; stud or gigolo; oppose kolemu.
amañgalsu n. Someone who shows up unexpectedly to do something useful or help; in literature, often used disparagingly of characters introduced to resolve the plot in the fourth or fifth act; a mild deus ex machina.
amarekía n. Act of affection.
amashúthíka n. Romanticism.
amatekía n. Disagreement.
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