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Lilitika Dictionary

The following dictionary entries are tagged noun:

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amazedivíu n. Unrequested company; someone who shows up unexpectedly.
amazoka n. Fear of love.
ambatso n. Testicle.
ambepono n. Scrotum.
amdta n. Slang for the clitoris, ameponedta.
Améa n. The goddess of love.
amebezoka n. Fear of alcohol.
amebílesta n. Alcohol fetishism or alcoholism.
amebu n. Wine (shortened from amelebedu).
amekona n. The literary essence of romance.
amelebedu n. Alcoholic beverage, especially wine.
amelía n. Mental centre of romantic and compassionate emotions; the metaphorical equivalent of the 'heart' in Lilitic.
Aménova n. April, the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar.
ameponedta n. Clitoris, particularly the glans and hood in combination.
ameponekía n. Traditions or customs of familial affection.
ameposténía n. Clitoral glans.
amessu n. Delight brought on by the reception of love.
Amétalía n. Romance, the first month of the Glotshakhto calendar.
Amétshova n. Friday, the sixth day of the Gregorian week.
amezí gegloko n. Landmark argument; catastrophic fight; especially a fight that leads to a breakup.
amezríu n. Lover.
amika n. Romantic trajectory.
amindí lapía n. Love-dance crystal, a name for dzherlapía.
amindúa n. Romantic dance.
amindúinu n. Courtship.
amnado n. Engraving.
amnu n. Print (of a stamp) or impression; footprint.
amoppa n. Sodium.
ampúkíu n. Insertion.
amsaramu n. Perineum.
amthesa n. Minor labium.
amthovéa n. Major labium.
amúbekhtína n. Kindness.
amúreksíu n. Immunity.
anatru n. Stanza or verse.
andélesta n. Breast fetishism.
andidtu n. Nipple.
Andodta n. Andorra.
andoéu n. Mammary.
andoplo n. Penis.
andtubízekhta n. Lactation.
andu n. Thorax, waist, upper abdomen.
andzolu n. Rival.
aneitu n. Data record or file.
anekía n. Audit, review, inspection.
Añglía n. England.
Añglika n. The English language.
Añglinu n. English-speaking culture.
Añglu n. Native English speaker.
Añgûla n. Angola.
anlezelío n. Place where administrative functions (government) are performed.
anlezu n. Government clerk.
anôpesto n. Pill; tablet; capsule; or a medicine taken in such a form.
anôplúo n. Medicinal powder; typically from a crushed pill or destined to become a pill.
anôstilkúza n. Medication (naturally-occurring).
anôstilkúzo n. Medication (processed).
anôstudzha n. Healthcare.
anozíu n. Distinction.
ansarekíu n. Execution [of a plan].
ansepa n. Milk; without qualification, human breast-milk.
ansethúmba n. Milk-bread, implied to contain no grain other than wheat.
antekso n. Glans penis.
anthrabu n. Biological term for human of Cossipian stock.
anthropa n. Culturally neutral term for a Lyrisclensian.
anthru n. Human.
Antíkwa hé Barvada n. Antigua and Barbuda.
antu n. Peak or cap; apex.
anturinení terbezo n. Rocket.
anzodekía n. Resolution of a problem; opening to wisdom.
apapa n. Biological father.
apata n. Biological father.
apefía n. Eternity; all time until now.
apefída n. Instinct.
apefídina n. Innate knowledge; instinct.
apeg'l'o n. Riot.
aperillu n. Seemingly; to all appearances; in appearance only (with locative).
aperine n. Midst.
apidzhekhtíu n. Contribution.
apidzhezríu n. Contributor.
apodra n. Disobedience or lack of faith in leadership; faith in libertarianism.
apola n. General dysphoria; withdrawal from pleasure.
aporafu n. Alien language.
aporaitekwía n. Diplomat; translator; polyglot.
apote n. Vestibule.
apshúessa n. Inspiration.
Aratshai n. The Artshin, a brane in the KHTX Expanse; always plural (Classical form).
Aratshasa n. The Artshin, a brane in the KHTX Expanse; always plural (Archaic form).
Aratshi n. The Artshin, a brane in the KHTX Expanse; always plural (late Lilitika form).
ardzhu n. Physical space or capacity.
aresekhta n. Insomnia.
aresekía n. Futile sleep; sleep that brings no rest; the state of having experienced such.
arliforo n. Receiver.
aromanillo n. Temporary notion; experimental idea; assumption.
arotidtu n. Personal experiment; a change or variation in one's habits for the sake of novelty or exploration.
arotiku n. Experimentalism; more casual term than alerotémaniku.
asa Bahamasa n. The Bahamas.
asa Lizeliníasa n. The Federated States of Micronesia.
asa Maldívéasa n. The Maldives.
asa Mashalíasa n. The Marshall Islands.
asa Venetríasa n. The Netherlands.

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