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Backronym Generator!


1. If the abbreviation does not contain A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, W, or Y, then I wasn't clever enough to come up with a noun for these words, and the algorithm fails.

2. Find the last letter in the word that is A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, W, or Y, and assign it a random noun from the list of nouns that start with that letter.

3. Assign random adjectives from the "prefixes" table to the letters that precede the one chosen as the noun. Optionally, assign the entire string to the first letter (creating a recursive backronym)

4. Assign random adjectives from the "suffixes" table to the remaining letters.  […]
Samantics read more (3 comments, 1363 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

Two Letters to the Future

Letter 1:
We complain a lot, but life for many of us is pretty OK. As Mark Rosenfelder ( once said, the twentieth century was the first time that we saw a higher average standard of living than the pre-agricultural era. I hope things are going better for you—and let me know how all that gender politicking works out.
Samantics comment   read more (1218 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

Describing Palate

Okay, big shot. You've collected a comprehensive list of everyone's favourite musicians, ever. You've even roughly clumped them by how popular they are, instead of using linear algebra to do it properly using a huge linear regression (a trick I'm still working on.) Now what?  […]
Samantics comment   read more (2264 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

On Malevolent Artificial Intelligence

Questions to ask yourself when faced with an evil AI are as follows.  […]
Samantics comment   read more (591 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

Just Before Dawn

Samantics comment   read more (1215 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

Evolving Gestures as Progressive Passwords

I know nothing of gesture recognition algorithms, but here is an idea:  […]
Samantics comment   read more (2014 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

Verbosity as a metric of language power

If it takes fewer than n lines to accomplish a given task in a given programming language, that language is too powerful and high-level for the purpose at hand. For the sake of convenience, we will ignore anomalously high program lengths caused by specialized and non-imperative languages, and strip out declarations and definitions from Java.  […]
Samantics comment   read more (717 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

The lú(n) prefix in Lilitic

One of the hardest challenges in designing an alien language is coming up with grammatical features that are genuinely alien in nature. It's easy to say something like "hey look RPN; that's extremely alien to my feeble linguist mind" (unless you are Dutch, in which case this is no surprise) and resort to grammars that are, in fact, all too human—after all, humans wrote the Java VM. […]
Thet comment   read more (7017 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

Neuron Degeneracy Pressure

The strain exerted on the mind by having to remember two similar concepts or performing multiple sequential actions to accomplish one task. Overcome by the construction of a synecdoche or inventions to remove the extra steps. The driving force of convenience, both good and bad for civilization.  […]
Samantics comment   read more (598 bytes) · 8452.136 tgc / 2012.057 ce

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