The Ksreskézaian–Hogedepi Expanse is a system of more than forty spacetime branes of extreme fragmentation that are densely interconnected, but largely isolated from the outside universe. Some branes contain only a single star; others several hundred. It is generally believed that the entire Expanse was once a single galactic arm many millions of years ago in a much larger brane, perhaps large enough to support galactic filaments and other cosmic structures, but today only a few fragments of that galaxy remain. Evidence for this is based on the common age and isotope distribution found in the stars of Globkhro, Rehal, and Batelta, the Expanse's three largest branes.
On the outer fringe of the habitable zone in a damaged pocket of space-time called Hava is a half-frozen rock, named Illera by the ancient Lilitai. Around its middle is a temperate land that, although almost completely barren, is suitable for growing Terran crops, provided adequate soil is imported. The planet is not particularly geologically active, although it has an oxygen-rich atmosphere due to the few native prokaryotes. Almost the entire surface consists of mountain-ranges, small pools of metal-rich water, and intricate cavern systems; what few continental shelves the planet possessed were broken up during a second Hadean aeon caused by the formation of a black hole nearby.
Aeons have passed since humanity left Earth behind—but this ancient cradle still looms large in our culture.
The Lilitai were the first tribe of humans in the Ksreskézaian–Hogedepi Expanse, and are perhaps the most extensively studied population of cultural isolates in the species since its collective departure from its homeworld, Earth, almost seventy-eight thousand Lyran years ago. They are significant in their contribution to the history of Thet and the modern Expanse, and are additionally a singular case study in testing the resilience of societal and moral norms in the face of near-complete destruction of their previous culture.
On the surface, the Lyrisians are generally indistinguishable from the other abundant post-human species on Thet. What makes them unique is the extensive work that they have done to difference themselves internally from others. Splintering from the Telai shortly after their differentiation from pure human stock, the Lyrisians drove their society for excellence in intellectual and scientific pursuits, creating a unique culture eternally permeated with the air of academia and engineering. The few Lyrisclensiae who do not feel an intimate desire to participate in the exchange of information find themselves drawn to contribute by managing others.