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reverse listing of Lilitika Dictionary
Lilitika Dictionary
Reverse Lookup


adía, n. Breath or gentle gust of wind. A single, drawn and blown inhalation and exhalation. When the air is held in the lungs (i.e. holding one's breath) it is called vanshúa.

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

related: shúthimu, vanshúa
tags: noun, physiology, weather
reverse terms: breath, breeze, gust

vanshúa, n. Breath; chest-wind. Often used in place of thelvíu, representing the individual's drive and passion. Sometimes spelled sívanshúa. Contrast adía, a single inhalation or exhalation. In Zízellika Orthodox Sarthíanism, vanshúa often refers to the breath of Zeltetéa that animates sentient beings and differentiates them from animals and other forms of matter. Darika uses the more specific term Stillessa for this concept.

See inflection scheme: iomanazinení noun
See inflection scheme: sarasí noun
See inflection scheme: zeyetaní noun
See inflection scheme: íomanazinení verb

related: thelvíu, thelstillida, thela
tags: noun, physiology, weather, religion, philosophy
reverse terms: breath, chest-wind, holy ghost, life force, soul, spirit