klí, a. Excessive; note also the adverbial form klai ("excessively"). e.g. La klí evrías vis: "She is too short."
usage: On its own, this may also be a slang term meaning "overweight." See klisarasí.
tags: adjective, quality, quantity, anatomy
reverse terms: excessive
gebosí, a. Copious, excessive, abundant, rich, overflowing, too much.
usage: Commonly in constructs like gebosí walto, "overwhelming [quantities of] [good] news," imparting a positive connotation onto otherwise neutral topics.
etymology: klí + boseítags: adjective
reverse terms: abundant, copious, excessive, overflowing, rich
klakibí, a. Over-the-top, embarrassing, lacking in self-awareness; of art, likely to discomfort its intended audience.
usage: Usually used to describe an action, statement, or work of art which results in an experience of éldutu. Calling a person klakibí is not unprecedented but is much more dismissive and a little strange, in the same way calling an author 'badly written' is more severe than calling a book the same.
etymology: klai kibúesrelated: klai kibúes, gebosí
tags: adjective, philosophy, communication, art, emotion, insult
reverse terms: awkward, derivative, excessive, gaudy, kitsch, painful, reductive, sycophantic, trite, vulgar
klai kordíkedí, a. Padded out.
tags: adjective, insult, temporal
reverse terms: excessive, extended, overlong, padded out, tedious, tiresome