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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
yenthelzoré v. To exclusively devote oneself to something.
yentí a. Every; each and every.
yenúé v. To accumulate and pile up a resource, which is either the accusative argument, or specified reflexively.
yenzoré v. To exclusively devote resources to something.
yeparo n. Game.
yepé v. To play; especially, to play a game.
yepedai adv. Continually; repeatedly.
yepedí a. Continual; repeated.
yepekhtía n. Gaming; gambling.
yepekhtíu n. Card game; session of cards according to the rules of a polikrine lí yepekhtíu.
yepéu n. Fetus, larva, or seedling.
yepezría n. Player, usually of card games but sometimes also used to describe actors.
yepliní a. Oily.
yéponé v. To punish or protect someone by confining them to an area, including to prison.
yeranzhofelía n. Period of approximately five to six weeks following Dzhemesselía when relationships are fresh (or refreshed) and going strong; the honeymoon season.
yerashúa n. Good omen foretelling abundance.
yeré ex. Again; more.
yereké v. To daze, dazzle, or entrance.
yerekhtekwía viglinis n. Minter; a smith who recycles vigliptai into the current issue.
yereloé v. To re-use.
yeresaré v. To do again; to do more.
yereserví a. Exhausted.
yeresí a. Again.
yerezí a. More.
yérezidtu n. Superlative.
yerí a. Many.
yéridtu n. Comparative, a type of adjective.
yerislisu n. Polymer.
yerúbide n. Blessing or gift increasing productivity or yield.
yerúdzhé v. To diagnose.
yerúdzhekía n. Diagnosis.
yerúé v. To multiply.
yesithu n. Echo; unsolicited, spontaneous recollection of a memory (figurative).
yestalí a. Frequent; occurring often.
yestalu n. Oftentimes.
yetalúbé v. To accelerate.
yeté v. To verify or check.
yetelíe n. Every time.
yetelmé v. To adjust or slightly tweak something.
yetelmé (2) v. To get revenge.
yetelmekía n. Revenge.
yetimé v. To resume; to restart.
yetimeshekwía n. Reactive maintenance technician; repair technician.
yetúté v. To revive.
yetútía n. Revival.
yeviglúé v. To bribe.
yezañé v. To encompass.
yezelíonu n. Phenotype respecifier.
yezellúbé v. To re-answer a question, providing confirmation.
yezhané v. To reform.
yezhanekía n. Reformation; reform.
a. More, many, or again.
yíreku n. Guess; prediction.
yírobé v. To predict; to think something is possible.
yoku n. Face (of someone with medium-length hair).
yolai fínanéú m. In sole exception.
yolaneí a. Dynamic.
yoleví a. Effective.
yolevíu n. Effectiveness.
yolezerí a. Most effective; elite.
yolí a. None.
yolivenna n. Benchmark.
yolivíu n. Nothing.
yoloé v. To occupy [a space completely].
yônillu n. Dimwit, idiot, or fool.
yoômé v. To heighten.
yoúí a. Any quantity.
yúdzhí a. Psychological; relating to the study of thought.
yúlekhu n. Shade or quantum of distinction.
yúlí a. Exact.
yúlikhru n. Exact shade (of a color).
Yúlinova n. July, the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar.
yura n. The ornamental Y consonant.
–yurí suf. Having lots of ~ (N to A).
zabí a. Critical; essential.
zadarra n. Ergot.
zadarrelía n. Rye.
zadarrúka n. Ergotism as a whole, or the hallucinatory experience brought on by the consumption of ergot.
Zadzha n. Zaqjin, a species and civilization native to the KHTX Expanse.
zaghazhído n. Pirate.
zalíbé v. To give the opposite; to contradict.
zalíbipse n. Antithesis; the contradiction or challenging of a presented concept.
zalitopé v. To give a reversed statement, such as in antimetabole.
zallaní kedopla n. Traveller's stone, a name for klinlapía.
zallu n. Travelling companion.
zanlé v. To bring about justice.
zanlekína n. Justice.
zanlekíúbé v. To justify; to give reasoning why something is just.
zavo n. Maze, complicated set of decisions.
zedzhré v. To give a title or nickname.
zedzhru n. Label or title; appellation; nickname.
zeilé v. To aspire.
zeilipsa n. True desire.
zek– pre. Former, previously.
zekellesso n. Magnificence.
zekellí a. Magnificent; touched by greatness.
zekidathé v. To write (an experience or event).
zekíu n. Past event.
zekogé v. To adjust and make things (morally) right.
zel– pre. True.

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