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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
zhanekhtíe n. Month (Glotshatko: 25-34 solwiksete, or ~25.1 Earth days on average).
zhanekwía lemperilis n. Costumer; beautician.
zhé m. Fraction separator.
zhetaña n. Half.
zhetañgai a. Halfway.
zhetañgaya a. Halfway.
zhetañgíré v. To predominate.
zhetañgurí a. Predominant.
zhetañgurya adv. Predominantly.
zhí-lú-zhí súu n. Ratio.
zhíaltúbé v. To remind.
zhíaltúze n. Reminder.
zhíarí a. Rational; formed of a ratio between two non-transcendental numbers.
zhíloté v. To regrow after a drought or winter.
Zhílotelía n. The season of Spring or the early rainy season, when plants start to regrow.
zhío– pre. Again.
zhíodústé v. To rebuild.
zhíodústé (2) v. To restore; to rebuild.
zhíodústekía n. Restoration; rebuilding.
zhíoeré v. To recount.
zhíogé v. To return.
Zhíogéa n. Funeral.
zhíohé v. To alter; to modify.
zhíoneitrúé v. To investigate.
zhíoneitrúkía n. Investigation.
zhíoneitrúza n. Investigator.
zhíotetúbeshía n. Rehabilitation.
zhíothebekía n. Reproduction.
zhíothebekíarí a. Reproducible.
zhíovekhrumbé v. To change the meaning or goal of something.
zhoa pm. As ~, functioning analogously to ~.
zhobedé v. To break flow, especially to interrupt a sentence with another as a rhetorical device.
zhoda n. Fraction; portion.
zhode n. The ZH consonant.
zhofarí a. Delicate; fragile; breakable.
zhofé v. To subdivide, dissolve, or otherwise break up.
Zhofedí Lemperí Venakoa n. The annual Festival of Broken Mirrors.
zhofedinu n. Faction; shard; splinter group.
zhofekía n. Breakdown, dissolution.
zhofekwía haplenis n. Mortician.
zhofezría kedoplanis n. Miner.
zhofidtu n. Fragment.
zhofúé v. To divide.
zhoiré v. To collapse.
zhokhemu n. Flake or scrap.
zhokré v. To shatter into shards; to fragment.
zhoku n. Shard, fragment (especially of pottery or glass).
zhola-trúa neptegekía n. Hand-eye coordination (followthrough); replaced the native term zholegolebivo.
zholaré v. To manipulate (with hands).
zholegolebivo n. Ability to follow the hand; hand-eye coordination; timing and aim.
zholegúbé v. To gesture (with a hand).
zholeñku n. Glove.
zholezgé v. To raise one's hands, turning the palms upward in an expression of dismay, inability, or apathy; analogous to shrugging.
zholu n. Hand.
zhomba n. Flour.
zhombé v. To punch.
zhombé (úebes tshitsewai) v. To employ a pun.
zhombitsu n. Pun; wordplay used for humourous effect.
zhomípé v. To raid [a religious sect].
zhompré v. To collapse (archaic).
Zhoñgúo n. China.
zhophédzhé v. To analyze.
zhôpta n. Small fraction.
zhosúa n. Numeric fraction.
zhotelmedta n. Knuckle (archaic).
zhovatu n. Grasp.
zhovedta n. Knuckle.
zhovu n. Fist.
zibé v. To accept a state of affairs; to come to terms with a situation (contrast oshaité).
zíbere n. Correction.
zíbízo n. Reward; payment.
zídíkwa n. Reaction to an explanation; response; reply.
zígembé v. To place trust in someone making a promise; usually used with leaders.
zígendale n. Proposed solution.
zígíté v. To react to a state of leaderlessness; usually to choose a new leader; compare zílúgíté when the leader is absent or ineffective.
zílúgíté v. To react to a state of ineffectual or unavailable leadership; contrast zígíté.
zímalkolapía n. Lapis lazuli or lazurite.
zímazé v. To obey an instructor.
zímillapía n. Amethyst.
zímu n. Result.
zímúrúku n. Folk remedy or medicine.
zinarepé v. To devise a recipe; to formulate.
zinaro n. Recipe; formula.
zíossí a. In reaction to the world.
zípitrolapía n. Blue lace agate.
zípu n. Blue; introspection or introspective seriousness.
zíthandona n. Eggplant.
zíthona n. Blueberry.
zíthu n. Violet; constructiveness or thoughtfulness.
zítshempamekíu n. Resolution to change circumstances following a reminder of the past.
zívane n. Back (reciprocal).
zíy– pre. Response to ~, reply to ~ (when preceding a vowel).
zíyadzu n. Answer.
ziyalbedé v. To repair.
zíyaré v. To react.
zíyarekíu n. Outcome, especially a usually chemical precipitate.
zíyu– pre. Response to ~, reply to ~ (when preceding a consonant).
zíyumesha n. Vendetta; vengeance.
Zízellika n. The path of devotion to Orthodox Sarthíanism.
zízelliké v. To react to natural order/beauty, to devote oneself, or to become a believer in an ultimate higher power.

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