(aba–ald) (ald–alí) (alí–alt) (alt–and) (and–asa) (asa–bap) (bar–bos) (bos–dem) (den–dúr) (dúr–édh) (édh–ekh) (ekh–éna) (end–eri) (erí–evm) (evn–fer) (fer–fu) (fúb–gen) (gen–gôn) (gon–hay) (hé–ían) (ían–ild) (ild–íoi) (íom–kar) (kar–kel) (kel–ken) (ken–khr) (khr–kla) (kla–kôr) (kos–kye) (kye–len) (lén–lib) (lib–loz) (lú–man) (man–mes) (mes–mít) (mít–moz) (mu–nak) (nak–nat) (nat–noh) (noh–oks) (oks–ozn) (pai–pol) (pol–res) (res–riv) (riv–san) (san–sef) (sek–shú) (shú–so) (soa–ste) (ste–súk) (súk–tal) (tal–ten) (ten–the) (the–top) (top–tsh) (tsh–tsh) (tsh–tuz) (túz–vem) (vem–vig) (víg–wis) (wis–yen) (yen–zel) (zel–zha) (zha–zíz) (zof–zúy)
zofekíe n. Chapter.
zokipa n. Pettiness; sensitivity or worry about trivial matters.
zoklitru n. Mob; angry bunch.
zokurinu n. Mob; those who are angry.
zon– pre. Fourteen.
zono n. The digit fourteen.
zoré v. To commit resources to something.
zú ex. Yes.
zúbarobía n. Balloon.
zúbeshé v. To swell or expand.
zúbí a. Bulky; globular; swollen.
zúda n. Abbreviation of ézúsikada.
zúdenarinu n. Limbic system.
zúdika n. Defence policy.
zúdikalí a. Martial.
zúdoma n. Antibody.
zúdoneptza n. Leukocyte.
zúla n. The Z consonant.
zúsa n. Uterus.
zúsa (2) n. Any organ, but especially the heart, stomach, or uterus, considered as the core of the body.
zúseftu n. Heterozygotic twin or multiple.
zúsika n. Matrilineal kinship system; see Lilitic Kinship.
zúsoda n. Hole in one's heart.
Zúvalo n. Pzuubvaal, a species and civilization native to the KHTX Expanse.
Zúyame n. Pzúghamë, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
zokipa n. Pettiness; sensitivity or worry about trivial matters.
zoklitru n. Mob; angry bunch.
zokurinu n. Mob; those who are angry.
zon– pre. Fourteen.
zono n. The digit fourteen.
zoré v. To commit resources to something.
zú ex. Yes.
zúbarobía n. Balloon.
zúbeshé v. To swell or expand.
zúbí a. Bulky; globular; swollen.
zúda n. Abbreviation of ézúsikada.
zúdenarinu n. Limbic system.
zúdika n. Defence policy.
zúdikalí a. Martial.
zúdoma n. Antibody.
zúdoneptza n. Leukocyte.
zúla n. The Z consonant.
zúsa n. Uterus.
zúsa (2) n. Any organ, but especially the heart, stomach, or uterus, considered as the core of the body.
zúseftu n. Heterozygotic twin or multiple.
zúsika n. Matrilineal kinship system; see Lilitic Kinship.
zúsoda n. Hole in one's heart.
Zúvalo n. Pzuubvaal, a species and civilization native to the KHTX Expanse.
Zúyame n. Pzúghamë, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
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