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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
lermogo n. Litter; palanquin.
leroksí a. Dominant.
leroksío n. Dominance.
leroleté v. To sprout.
Lerossa n. The spiritual world, as distinct from the physical world.
lerséa n. Log [wood].
lersefrí a. Liberal; a generous amount.
lersithekhu n. Treble-line; a high-pitched counterpoint to the bassline that appears in some Lilitic music.
lersithu n. Treble.
lertshítsu n. Headword, minor topic, or sub-issue.
leru n. Unit (of production or an action's result).
lerudzha n. Agriculture; botany; the study of plants.
leryeza Stillúkwía n. High Priestess, the head of a cult or temple.
les pm. During.
les sañgekhtíu n. In passing.
lesé v. To drink.
leshúme n. Selenium.
Lesoto n. Lesotho.
lessektu n. Awareness.
lestedu n. Vaginal lubrication.
lestelmé v. To sublimate a passion; to redirect energy from one emotion into an unrelated productive activity.
lestídta n. Vulva.
lestithé v. To talk dirty; to make conversation with the intention of inducing sexual arousal or gratification.
lestovéu n. Pubic mound.
lestu n. Lust.
lesúlome n. Germanium.
letañome n. Zinc.
letekséo n. Crown.
letemidtu n. Knot; dilemma; problem; crisis.
lethé v. To speak as if someone or something else; to employ apostrophe in the first person.
lethlera n. Glow-moss.
letsome n. Arsenic.
leva n. Ladder.
levadé v. To cut into halves; to split.
levadwidhu n. Dramatic irony.
Levadzhova n. Thursday, the fifth day of the Gregorian week.
levatké v. To make a show of defiance or challenge toward someone; especially a biological threat response which is confrontational.
levesome n. Gallium.
levgaksekúé v. To deputize.
levgalsu n. Deputy.
levímu n. Vestigial limb.
leyemu n. Balcony, shelf, ledge, cliff.
léyer– pre. Hundreds (base twelve).
lezeksé v. To lift the head indicating confidence or agreement.
lezgé v. To lift.
mp. Inferential mood.
li– pre. Mildly, slightly; before a vowel, use lis instead.
(2) conj. FPIC particle; left argument owns right argument.
líarete n. Inferability; the quality of a fact or conclusion being derivable or guessable from available evidence.
Libía n. Libya.
liboëktu n. Diversity.
liboí a. Diverse.
libru n. Book or computer record written in Glissia or by Lyrisclensians.
liburlí a. Thin-fibred; fine.
lidahé v. To shrink (passive/reflexive).
lidé v. To shrink (active).
lidra n. Yearning for cooperation; faith in collectivism or communism.
liga n. The full L consonant.
ligimaté v. To employ semantic syllepsis; to form a sentence where one word must be interpreted in different figurative meanings to be read coherently.
likillapía n. Chrysocolla.
likwu n. Nanny.
líkyé v. To lick.
Lilitasa lí terbekhtíu n. Lilitic artificial fertilization (Lilitic parthenogenesis).
Lilitu n. Lilitu.
lintrúoní loëkwía n. Microscopist.
línu n. Her/its/his/their things.
linz– pre. Very little; barely any.
linzimí a. Cold.
Líriktensíu n. Lyrisclensian culture.
lírisí a. Lyrisclensian.
lírisí talpléovu n. LKY; the Lyrisclensian calendar basis used at the Trestunarion.
Lírisikí a. Lyrisclensian.
Lírisu n. Lyrisclensian.
lís– pre. Thirteen.
lis– pre. Mildly, slightly; before a consonant, use li instead.
lis– (2) pre. Minimizer; compare the more common sole-.
lísa n. The digit thirteen.
lisadía n. Small gust; whim or impulse.
lisi– pre. Minimizer (before a consonant).
líska m. Why.
liskúé v. To diminish.
lissané v. To format; to arrange; to adapt a work to a new medium.
lissaniko n. Format; formation; arrangement.
lisseví a. Lesser (of two options).
listúaré v. To conserve.
listúaría n. Conservation.
lithelkoé v. To employ a half-rhyme.
litona n. Berry.
litraité v. To gather.
litrakoizildra n. Collectivism; communism.
litramazínu n. Oligarchy.
Lítranova n. June, the sixth month of the Gregorian calendar.
litratshovu n. A Thessian month.
litré v. To group.
Lítréa n. The goddess of collectivism.
litrebé v. To collect, to gather into a bundle.
litrelíu n. Context.
litrení a. Organizational; of a group or structure.
litrepé v. To cluster (data).
litrepeko v. Cluster (of data).

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