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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
bellesé v. To drown.
Bénina n. Benin.
bepté v. To dribble or drip.
ber– pre. Incorrect; imaginary (short form.)
beraisithé v. To misunderstand.
berbosilkío n. Forgery.
berbosilkúé v. To forge; to make a forgery; to falsely enrich something.
berekto n. Defect; flaw.
berekturí a. Defective; flawed.
beril– pre. Incorrect; imaginary.
berildtu n. Lie.
berilekhúé v. To use a word in a lexical role for which it has no standard definition (usually a noun as a verb); especially antimeria/anthimeria.
beriliku n. False sociability; psychopathy.
beriltetu n. Mythological creature.
berithé v. To misspeak.
berizhoka n. Fear of being lied to.
berízíu n. Slight discomfort from having made a mistake.
berízoka n. Fear of making a mistake or telling a lie.
berízu n. Mistaken person, the minimum possible insult.
bermano n. Bug; error in instructions.
bernakorré v. To express a desire by (usually ironically) feigning disinterest.
beronveré v. To give a false etymology to make a point; a kind of morphological pun.
berregé v. To guide someone (to a desired conclusion) with malicious intent; to manipulate a person.
berteblé v. To stumble or nearly trip.
berthebí a. Fake; false.
bertopikúé n. To corrupt; to force the (start of) taking bribes; to induce to cheat.
bertopo n. Corruption; bribery; cheating.
bertúzé v. To walk erratically; to walk in a stumbling manner.
beru n. Imagination; fantasy; falsehood.
berúkanína n. Cult of personality built around a liar.
berwidhinu n. Fiction.
berzeyighe n. Falsely balanced thinking; bias.
bet ex. No.
betyaé v. To object.
betyaëkía n. Objection.
betyeré v. To deny [a claim].
betzo n. Nozzle.
bezemeia n. Source (of a flow).
bíbagota n. Cashew.
bíbavu n. Elbow.
bidhildtu n. Novel; storybook.
bidhúkwía n. Novelist; author of novels.
bíelkwedí a. Flawed.
bílo n. The B consonant.
bímatu n. Shoulder.
bímegnu n. Wrist.
bímu n. Arm.
Bísoa n. Guinea-Bissau.
bístikkhu n. Governance.
bístilitro n. High-control group; (pejoratively) cult.
bístogalsu n. Priestess tasked with waking sleepwalkers.
bístou n. Controlling dream; supposed as a cause of sleepwalking or other parasomniac behaviour.
bístu n. Control.
bitu n. Needle; any small indicator, rod, or elongated tool.
bízanelí a. Institutional.
bízanlé v. To delegate work.
bízanlekío n. Order; set of instructions.
bízanlío n. Institution.
bizano n. Bulletin board; chore rota; duty roster.
bízé v. To labour.
bízekhtilí galekwía n. Job trainer.
bízekhtúkwía n. Work allocator; someone who assigns jobs and duty rosters.
bízekí a. Operational, said of a person, plan, or ensemble; able to labour.
bízekwía malsolis n. Metalsmith.
bízetalí a. Part-time.
bizlumbelía n. Training academy; trade school.
bleñdhé v. To ruin.
Blevía n. Blebhí, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
Bolivía n. Bolivia.
boseí a. Rich, varied, bountiful.
bosekhrí a. Colorful.
bosekhrona n. Apple.
bosekíra n. Contractor; contract-holder.
bosekro n. Contract, certificate, diploma; sheet of applewood cardstock traditionally used for important certificates.
bosekro rebekis n. Licence (document).
boselíu n. Treasury, especially a votive treasury at an oracle intended to impress pilgrims.
boseñku n. Ornamental robe.
bosêtetu n. Luxury.
bosethebedí a. Splendid; fine; deluxe.
bosêtí a. Luxuriant (of an item or style of living).
bosêturí a. Accustomed to luxury.
bosilkúé v. To enrich.
bossaité v. To harvest.
bostelé v. To walk pridefully; to strut.
bosúbé v. To give plentifully; to give a rich bounty.
bothedí a. Splendid; fine; luxurious.
bovinë n. Herd of cattle.
bovu n. Cow, ox, bull, beast, bovine.
Brúnaia n. Brunei.
búé v. To drum a beat.
búkelíu n. Hazard.
búkí a. Harsh.
búlala n. Vanilla.
bûretí a. Fake; false.
búterku n. Military facility; fortress; castle.
búu n. Beat; rhythmic percussion.
búvu n. Phase.
da mp. Interrogative mood; see .
da (2) adv. Indicates interrogative; see dan.
dabé v. To lap [a liquid]; to lick repeatedly for the purposes of drinking.

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