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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
tekhidí a. Incident.
tekhineitu n. Log; record; journal; diary of events.
tekhorí a. Liable; prone to doing something.
tekhote n. Incidence.
tekíptu n. Capital stock.
teklegu n. Skull.
teklematzu n. Temple (anatomy).
tekré v. To modulate; to alter a pattern.
tekrodtu n. Chin.
tekroklegu n. Mandible, lower jaw.
tekrotúzé v. To finish a speech, paragraph, or sentence, with the same word or words it started.
teksí flotoila n. Philtrum.
teksífemna n. Brain.
teksipé v. To head-butt.
teksu n. Head.
Telaïnu n. Telaian culture, especially historical Telaian culture.
telaté v. To prevent from changing; to fix in place.
telau n. Telaian human.
telbré v. To stir; to mix with a twisting motion.
televro n. Spire.
telíbé v. To flower; to enter puberty.
Telibelía n. The coming-of-age rite; see article.
telibezré n. To undergo the coming-of-age rite, Telibelía.
telíu n. Time of occurrence.
telmé v. To twist.
Telméa n. The goddess of manipulation.
telmekía il ithovíu n. Mental disorder.
telmekía il steku n. Physiological disorder.
telmekwía darinenis n. Spinner.
telméú m. Twistingly; however; instead; in a strange turn of events.
telmeziyu n. Situational irony; when the result of an action is contrary to the expected result.
telmidtu n. Half-knot; plot twist.
telzokona n. The literary essence of suspense.
telzoku n. Anticipation; an intense fear pertaining to straying from a path.
temerai adv. Firmly.
temeya adv. Firmly; classical form of temerai.
temrí a. Firm.
tendí a. Formal.
tennu n. Machine; organism.
tenti– pre. Involving genes or genetics.
tentibite n. Virion; virus.
tentilleru n. Gene.
tentillí a. Genetic.
téntome n. Bismuth.
tepaku n. Face (of someone with extensive, flowing hair).
tepta n. Doll.
terbé v. To fertilise.
terbelíu n. Flower.
terbelíúka n. Pituitary gland.
terbezo n. Father.
terela n. Flourish; bouquet; floral decoration or design element.
Terra n. Earth (prosaic); contrast Alfossa.
tes pm. In the perspective of.
tesa n. The suit of twists (special events) as used in playing cards.
tessu n. Confusion.
tetadzhu n. Biology; the life sciences.
tetalu n. Lifetime.
tetaré v. To breed.
teté v. To live, to experience (somewhat archaic).
tetepé v. To begin living.
tethahé v. To evolve.
tethé v. To introduce an artificial audience for rhetorical purposes; to employ apostrophe in the distant-second person.
tetildtu n. Cell.
tetivitru n. Biological taxon.
tetivu n. Species.
tetnagendé v. To adapt, either a specific feature or under a set of circumstances.
tetní a. Biological; of a species or of biological origin.
tetní olélitru n. Phylogenetic tree.
tetoleneí a. Of a plan, doable and likely to succeed; viable.
tetpou n. Binding site.
tetripte n. Living island, any one of several giant floating creatures native to Thet which have evolved to support an ecosystem.
tetsa n. Metal in the ionic phase; a mineral dissolved in water.
tetshwa n. Phosphorus.
tetsina n. Metal in the ionic phase; all minerals dissolved in water.
tetsudzhu n. The study of biochemistry.
tetu n. Organism; living thing.
tetúbé v. To conceive.
tetúebeshé v. To be born.
tetúekío n. Process of conception.
tetúkwia trúekhanis n. Painter or colorist.
tetúsha n. One's birth.
tetútalo n. Moment of conception.
tetwidhu n. Biography.
Tevite n. Temvit, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
tevoisé v. To comprehend.
Tévopío n. The capital city of most of the successive Ksreskézaian Empires, including the last, the Sunlit Empire.
tha-tha ex. Don't interrupt; pay attention.
thahé v. To become.
thaheke n. Outcome, result, consequence, product.
thanatelía n. Graveyard.
thatsha n. The TH consonant.
–thé suf. To make or craft (N to V); see -thebé and -ebé.
thebé v. To make or craft.
Thebedu n. Physaru.
thebedzhu n. Technology.
thebekwía n. Engineer.
thebelíu n. (with temporal, egressive, or terminative) In the making; since creation; until the time of creation.
thebelíu (2) n. (with locative, ablative, or dative) Still being created; from the factory; headed to the forge.
thebéonu n. Machine.
theberilu n. Simulation (a lie that synthesizes events or facts).

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