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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
widhiní a. Fictional or historical.
widhinu n. Literature; the sum of fictional and historical accounts.
widhrúkwíu n. Historian.
widhu n. Book; story.
wíkséu n. Axle.
wíksúré v. To grind into powder.
wimazé v. To condemn or reject.
wissogé v. To mimic; to act (like a character).
wistaré v. To coerce.
wistaría n. Orientation; personal tastes; tendencies; essential character; biases of a person.
wiste– pre. Against; opposite.
wistemné v. To confront.
wistes pm. Against; opposite.
wistethé v. To complain.
wistetsa n. Acid (uncountable) or a molecule of acid (countable).
wistevé v. To clash.
wistikhru n. Make-up; cosmetics.
wistoku n. Courage in the face of fear.
wistona n. Lemon.
wistorekta n. Hostility.
wistorí a. Sour.
wistorí (2) a. Hostile.
wístrizé v. To inhibit.
wistu n. Character.
wítshaité v. To index against a chart; to look up a value.
wizgé v. To push.
wizzo n. Button.
woisé v. To know.
woné v. To learn.
wonedektu n. Fame of someone widely-known.
woneketu n. Expertise.
wonilé v. To be curious about.
wonileneí a. Curious; wanting to learn about.
wonilía n. Curiosity.
wu n. Spirit, adventure, energy, tenacity, storytelling.
wúo n. The W consonant.
ya enc. (Rokéa II argolect) When combined with the optative verb form, marks the future tense for matters of choice; usually translated as 'will'.
yaé v. To scream.
yaëkso n. Atrocity; cause for screaming.
yakúbé v. To scream a string of insults, especially adjectives.
yakúbetu n. Shame after losing a lengthy argument.
yaré v. To paint (an image).
yarobektu a. Availability.
yarobí a. Available.
Yatrele n. Yatrel, a brane in the KHTX Expanse.
yatsu n. Exclamation; interjection.
ye-ye-yerí a. Very many.
yedenlé v. To rewrite a document; to amend by rewriting.
yedhu n. Editorial.
yedhúkwíu n. Columnist; one who regularly provides stories to a periodical.
yedzafé v. To re-ask a question in search of confirmation.
yedzúbé v. To interrogate.
yéfathahé v. To brighten (by gaining light) (passive/reflexive).
yéfathé v. To brighten (by gaining light) (active).
yeflovéu n. Loop; coil; spiral.
yeghurí a. Thoughtful, busy-minded, mentally taxed.
yegrotona n. Raspberry.
yehathé v. To listen to.
yekasé v. To lose a possession.
yekerí a. Heavy (in weight or importance.)
yekílosé v. To repeat a word frequently throughout a passage for rhetorical effect.
yekorré v. To reclaim.
yekorrekía n. Reclamation.
Yekorrelía n. The season of Autumn or the late rainy/early dry season, when plants are reclaimed.
yelaní a. Heavy (in mass or substance.)
yelanidta n. Child born overdue.
yeletshu n. Rag.
yeloí a. Worn or heavily used.
yélúdenthahé v. To darken (by gaining pigment) (passive/reflexive).
yélúdenthé v. To darken (by gaining pigment) (active).
yemelíe n. Everywhere.
yemidzhé v. To repeat something with a different phrasing, generally for rhetorical effect or clarification.
yemotimé v. To make several anaphoric clauses in succession; to use anaphora as a rhetorical device.
yeñganazekía n. Formally confirmed consensus.
yeñgé v. To migrate.
yeñgekhtu n. Migration.
yeñgí a. All.
yeñgí topu n. Rational decision-making performed under perfect knowledge of a situation; optimal outcomes given perfect reasoning and execution.
yeñklassa n. Full-time job, usually a vital public sector job or special dispensation for a widely-recognized master artist.
yeñklatí a. Complete; whole; unfractured; finished.
yeñklatí éponekíe n. Immersive education.
yeñklatí litraité v. To form or coin a word or phrase without the use of any abbreviation.
yeñklúnaré v. To use rhetorical parallelism through repeated use of similarity throughout the structure of the sentence or clause.
yentalai adv. Eternally.
yentalé v. To occupy [a person's time].
yentaléú m. Always.
yentalya adv. Eternally.
yentetelí a. Lifelong.
yentheltimé v. To alliterate perfectly.
yenthelzoré v. To exclusively devote oneself to something.
yentí a. Every; each and every.
yenúé v. To accumulate and pile up a resource, which is either the accusative argument, or specified reflexively.
yenzoré v. To exclusively devote resources to something.
yeparo n. Game.
yepé v. To play; especially, to play a game.
yepedai adv. Continually; repeatedly.
yepedí a. Continual; repeated.
yepekhtía n. Gaming; gambling.
yepekhtíu n. Card game; session of cards according to the rules of a polikrine lí yepekhtíu.
yepéu n. Fetus, larva, or seedling.

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