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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
Rôtomemu n. Ancestor (of a Lilitu), or more specifically a member of the Rotomem.
roventría n. Bay.
ru n. You; thou.
rúkima n. Eyelash.
rúpoza n. Eyelid.
Rúsía n. Russia.
Saäzede n. Cosmic balance and order; universal state characterized by the absence of irrational or emotional behaviour according to the Venika.
sabaroví a. Worthy.
sabeselé v. To deserve in reward for divine worthiness or social achievement.
sabessa n. Moral worth; value to society; one's standing in the eyes of the Stillai.
sabloko n. Victory.
sabré v. To mix or mingle with a group.
Sabta n. Ksreskézo's sun.
sabteda n. Won battle; victory.
Sabtéréka n. Day of Moiléa, the second day of the Glotshakhto calendar.
sabtúbé v. To win.
sageví ighine n. Reason (patient thought.)
sagevu n. Patience.
Sainíka n. Doctrine; Our Way [as opposed to customs of non-Lilitu groups].
sainíkalí a. Of the doctrines of the Lilitai; doctrinal to the Lilitai.
saitshéa n. Season.
salemu n. Sheet or layer.
saléuthé v. To write a detailed story from a shorter or less literary source.
salisí a. Flat.
salíté n. Neighbour.
salithelé v. To fold (to flatten against self).
salka n. Profound rage.
salkome n. (a) Mendelevium; (b) anger-stone; (c) ulcer or hernia.
salkzurí a. Victorious; conquering; dominant.
salôrúé v. To stare at idly, or with incomprehension.
sama ex. "Favour!" or "Fortune!": called out during competitions or gambling to exhort desirable outcomes; considered irreverent or abusive by Orthodox Sarthíans.
samanaité v. To favour.
samanu n. Favour.
samanurí a. Favourable; favoured.
sampeito n. Backup copy of data.
sampildto n. Norm; safety convention; safety standard.
sampoisu n. Outpost (safe-house).
samprekto n. Asylum.
sampu n. Safety; security.
samu n. Skin.
san– pre. Nearby; adjacent to (preceding a vowel.)
sanahé v. To come, to approach.
sanahé (2) v. To approach or to be brought to (passive/reflexive).
sanata n. Method or style of making an entrance.
sandes pm. Around or moving around.
sandí a. Nearby, around, moving around.
sandíônda n. Exhibition.
sandíôndé v. To exhibit.
sané v. To bring closer.
sanekhtu n. Convenience.
sanes pm. Near to.
sanes shúmatké v. To confront; to get up in someone's face in a territorial display.
sani– pre. Nearby; adjacent to (preceding a consonant.)
saníegé v. To confront; to go and approach.
sanildzhé v. To imply or implicate.
sanildzhekía n. Implication.
sañkúeneí a. Speaking in a diplomatic tone; aiming to strike a compromise.
sanlí a. Near.
sanlí apefída n. Second nature; literally "nearly instinct."
sanlínteté v. To neighbour.
sanlíntetekí n. Neighbouring; adjacent.
Sanossa n. The physical world, as distinct from the spiritual world.
santeblí a. Convenient.
santímekéu n. Imminence.
santímekí a. Imminent.
sapanaro n. Threshold.
saradobí a. Embossed; bumpy; detailed; nuanced.
sarafu n. Human language.
saraka n. Ceremony, typically of a personal or private nature.
sarakessí a. Discreet; being careful to avoid offence or the appearance of impropriety.
sarakessía n. Discretion; avoidance of uncomfortable discussions.
sarakhemu n. Skin.
sarampí a. Cozy; comfortable (of an environment or thing).
saramu n. Skin.
sarasé v. To flatten or smooth.
sarasí a. Smooth, refined, easy.
sarasikidí a. Humble.
sarasiko n. Humility.
sarasilkúé v. To ease; to smooth; to sand down.
sarasithiku n. Deliberate use of smooth-sounding or pleasant words to set the listener at ease; euphony.
saraspé v. To pour a libation; to give succour; to supplicate; to praise; (literally) to yield to.
sarasúa n. Good omen foretelling ease or simplicity.
saraví a. Good; desirable.
sarbala n. Lead, especially as a construction material.
saré v. To do, to perform.
sarekhta n. Ceremony or celebration, especially a society-wide or affair of government.
sarekhtímoto n. Praxis.
sarekhtíu n. Deed; doing.
sarekhtru n. Computer program.
sarekwía n. Performer; without qualification, usually an actor.
sarilkúé v. To enforce.
sarilkúo n. Enforcement.
sarippí a. Soft; easily bent.
sarkatu n. Moral integrity.
sarnarúbé v. To justify.
sarnarúbekhtía n. Justification.
sarnokona n. The literary essence of the moral tale.
sarnokonía n. The moral tale plot-type; a moral tale.
sarnokonidta n. Moral.
sarnôské v. To benefit.

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