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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
solempeneí a. Diffuse; exhibiting a low degree of specular reflectivity; matte; predictable.
solénilí a. Special.
solêre n. Deficiency.
soleriñkí a. Efficient.
soleriñkía n. Efficiency.
soleriñkya adv. Efficiently.
solesarasí a. Underweight or emaciated.
solezeníko n. Attrition.
solezí a. Fewer/less.
solí a. Few in number; emaciated.
solíreka n. Consciousness; sentience; self-awareness.
solitalí a. Occasional; periodic.
solu n. Engagedness.
solwikse n. Ksreskézaian day (Glotshatko: 36 talivete, or ~20.3 Earth hours).
solwíksé v. To turn.
som– pre. After (chronologically.) Used when preceding a vowel.
somadía n. Carbon dioxide.
somoí a. Underpowered; ineffective; frail; weak.
somoigrí a. Physically weak.
somútza n. Carbon; ash.
sondé v. To reveal; to show.
sondekwíu n. Presenter.
soponé v. To trap; to conclude a chase by capturing.
sora n. Lass; wench; girl; used affectionately.
soríñkoppa n. Ammonia.
sorventé v. To determine by logical deduction.
Sostu n. Member of the TMF builder civilization.
sotalurí a. Acute; urgent.
sotaní a. Final (chronologically).
Sotanova n. December, the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar.
sotetelía n. Nursery.
sotúlí a. Uncommon.
sovele n. Clockwise.
soveme n. Right.
sovemes pm. Moving rightward from.
soventrí a. Tiny; secluded; remote; cozy; vestigial; fitting for a soventría.
soventría n. Niche; nook; crevice; exclave; vestige; closet; rump state.
soves pm. At the right of.
soyu n. (Venrafía and later) generosity.
spatu n. Mood.
stadzhu n. Culture.
Staíodzhu n. Civilization.
staiolu n. Manpower; people required to undertake a task.
stanína n. Cult of personality; fandom.
stardzhu n. Nation.
stas– pre. Twelve.
stasra n. The digit twelve (see Numbers and Counting); archaically a small group (see etymology, below.)
stasrintshéa n. Emotion-spirit; equivalent to stilla in mainstream Sarthianism.
stegúbé v. To motion; to gesture or turn toward.
stekkaité n. To become addicted.
stekkezu n. Addict.
stekku n. Addiction.
steklitshu n. Bodily organ.
steku n. Body.
stekúgreshé v. To shiver.
stekuvé v. To embody.
stemnu n. Word-leaf; page; page's worth of text (synecdochially).
stemo n. Rations; street-food; carnival food; food sold cheaply and pre-cooked for immediate consumption.
sténíu n. Flesh.
ster– pre. Dozens (base twelve; equivalent to tens).
sterethino n. Apartment; quarters.
steretho n. Room.
stessúbé v. To anthropomorphicize.
stía n. Quill (see also stíu), a variety of étava generated by observable, rational actions.
stibúu n. Percussive accompaniment to a religious ceremony.
stídha n. Ethnic group; ethnicity.
stídhaní a. Ethnic.
stídhildta n. Ethnicity of a person.
stíldísurvalekía n. Bigotry towards the Stíldai.
stíldu n. Artist or theoretician; someone who works chiefly with ideas.
stílegidtu n. Guideline.
stílegiku n. Guidebook.
stilla-bosúbekhtía n. Major religious ritual.
stilla-dzafé v. To pray.
stilla-idzhekhtía n. Minor religious ritual.
stilladzhé v. To revere, worship, or study a divinity.
stillaira n. Vessel for pouring libations or another offering given in prayer.
stillaité v. To divine; to consult a Goddess.
stillakhtekía n. Idol.
stillamaté v. To come into union with the divine (theosis).
stillanína n. Cult; formal, official religious order that venerates a specific deity.
stillaníu n. Artifact/artefact.
stillanivíu n. Artifact/artefact or oracle.
Stillasaní Pléholitre n. Goddesses' Week, an intercalary interval inserted between the first and second months.
stillathaé v. To become a deity (apotheosis).
stillessa n. Analogue of vanshúa found in Darika: the emanations of the divine that rest in the soul, generating rational, emotional beings from inert matter and chemically-fuelled automata.
stillethekí a. Miraculous; pertaining to divine intervention.
stillethekía n. Miracles; logos; the supernatural; evidence of divine intervention in the natural world.
stillí a. Holy; belonging to a goddess or goddesses.
stillídazu n. Priestess's ceremonial costume.
stilliméu n. Rite.
stillinara n. Syncretic goddess.
stillindé v. To perform a ritual dance.
stillindúu n. Ritual dance.
stilloisu n. Religious housing.
stillokhé v. To possess or haunt (as a spirit).
stillokhedí turellu n. Pathetic fallacy.
stillu n. God or Goddess.
stillúbekwíu n. Priest or priestess.
stíloé v. To write; to pen (a text).

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