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Lilitika Dictionary
All words in the early Lilitic language.
Zellías kíloé v. To indict.
Zellidtu n. Natural rule; universal constant.
zellidzhé v. To perfect.
Zellika n. Natural order.
zellikadzafé n. To ask of truth; to perform magic.
zellikaité v. To divine; to consult the way of nature or legal precedent.
zellikamí a. Just; consistent with justice.
Zellikemí kíloekhtía n. Indictment.
zellúbekwíu n. Voice of unimpeachable authority; impeccably well-regarded academic.
Zellúhathekía n. Lawsuit.
zellúkwíaní a. Judicial; of a judge.
zellútrio n. Jurisdiction.
zelmota n. (a) Beauty of form or style; (b) a "correct" style.
zelnagendeshu n. Biological term for human of Rotomem stock; specifically meaning 'those who were captured'.
zeloleté v. To give birth, after a period of zelbízé.
zelonveré v. To define a word in an alternative way, generally as a wry comment on the state of affairs.
zelossé v. To sacrifice.
zelrepé v. To discover.
Zelrotomemí a. Of the culture of the Rotomemi.
Zelrotomeminu n. The culture of the Rotomemi.
Zelrotomemu n. Individual from the Rotomem culture.
zelshúa n. Genius; divine inspiration.
zelsithorekta n. Honesty in words.
zelstilla n. Genuine or complete stilla; oppose thelstilla.
Zeltanova n. January, the first month of the Gregorian calendar.
zelterbekhtíu n. Natural conception.
zeltere n. Soy.
zelteta n. Life.
Zeltetéa n. The goddess of life-giving.
zeltetíré v. To be alive; to live presently (to have life.)
zeltetúa n. Good omen foretelling successful childbirth or the dawn of something significant; a rare but extremely desirable outcome of divination.
zeltetudzhu n. The study of biology.
zelteturí a. Alive.
zelthedí a. Authentic.
Zeltshova n. Saturday, the seventh day of the Gregorian week.
zeltúpu n. Fertilizer.
zeltútshu n. Gender, especially Lilitic gender.
zelu n. Truth; perfection.
zelvanlé (alañgrikhe) v. To bring about justice.
zelwidhinu n. True events; accurate accounts of history.
zelya sithaité v. To admit (that something is true).
zelzhíogé v. To cease sublimation; to return to one's true desires.
zelzígalu n. Correct (expected) solution.
zelzoka n. Fear of the truth, either discovering or admitting.
zemí a. Alternative word meaning "first" or "primary".
zemighilera n. Protist.
zemillapía n. Moganite.
zemneite n. Thesis; the statement of a key proposition.
zémobekhtu n. Professional integrity.
zémobí a. Intractably honest; of high professional integrity.
zénu n. Fact; attribute.
zepna n. Jury.
zépta n. Monster; abomination; absolutely objectionable thing.
zerzu n. Data record tag.
zethedí a. Genuine.
zethepa n. Forest, wilderness.
zetiyu n. Small armadillo-like animal kept as a pet; see the Ksreskézaian article fzeltigva.
Zetosa n. Esoteric name for Lerossa as used by followers of Venika.
zettúa n. Worldview, personal philosophy, overall perspective on life.
zéúza n. Oxygen.
zeves pm. Through being (with the instrumental case).
zeyaité v. To attain or keep balance.
zeyeta n. Stable state or flow; balanced circumstances; natural harmony; ideal condition.
zeyetaní a. Balanced.
Zeyetaní Ethekwía n. Attorney; lawyer.
Zeyetanivía n. Judge.
zeyetatshúa n. Good omen specific to cymatospicy foretelling a time of balance; the best of the common omens.
zeyetí amúbekhtína n. Balanced kindness; social empathy.
zeyetildta n. Norm; harmony-maximizing convention; natural approach; rite; duty.
zhamokelíe n. Toilet fixture or compost bin.
zhampebé v. To renew travel; to leave (with proper custom.)
zhampim ex. Please have safe travels.
zhané v. To remold or renew.
zhané (2) v. (usually in the optative and with passive or middle voice) To receive good fortune from the universe; to live a healthy life full of renewal and energy; to be well and get better.
zhanebé v. To remix; to create a derivative work.
zhanebeko n. Adaptation of a text or script for another medium.
zhanekhtíe n. Month (Glotshatko: 25-34 solwiksete, or ~25.1 Earth days on average).
zhanekwía lemperilis n. Costumer; beautician.
zhé m. Fraction separator.
zhetaña n. Half.
zhetañgai a. Halfway.
zhetañgaya a. Halfway.
zhíloté v. To regrow after a drought or winter.
Zhílotelía n. The season of Spring or the early rainy season, when plants start to regrow.
zhío– pre. Again.
zhíogé v. To return.
Zhíogéa n. Funeral.
zhíohé v. To alter; to modify.
zhíoneitrúé v. To investigate.
zhíoneitrúkía n. Investigation.
zhíoneitrúza n. Investigator.
zhíovekhrumbé v. To change the meaning or goal of something.
zhoa pm. As ~, functioning analogously to ~.
zhobedé v. To break flow, especially to interrupt a sentence with another as a rhetorical device.
zhoda n. Fraction; portion.
zhode n. The ZH consonant.
zhofarí a. Delicate; fragile; breakable.
zhofé v. To subdivide, dissolve, or otherwise break up.
Zhofedí Lemperí Venakoa n. The annual Festival of Broken Mirrors.
zhofedinu n. Faction; shard; splinter group.

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